Governor DeSantis announces efforts to rescue Americans stranded in Israel

File photo/Courtesy Office of Governor Ron DeSantis

Staff report

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Governor Ron DeSantis has issued an Executive Order that gives broad powers to the Division of Emergency Management to coordinate and carry out logistical, rescue, and evacuation operations regarding the more than 20,000 Americans, including Floridians, who wish to return home but are unable to do so.

Specifically, this order enables the Florida Division of Emergency Management to bring Floridians home and transport necessary supplies to Israel.

The order can be read here.

  • I know about the primaries and the need to get the poll numbers up, but I think there are more substantive ways to do that, rather than engaging in hail mary political virtue signaling.

    DeSantis can shoot to the top of the polls if he put all his efforts into freeing the citizens of Florida from terrorist insurance companies.
    There are ways to protect those who are required by law to have coverage as well as the overseers who provide coverage.
    It will require outside the box thinking (something I thought DeSantis was capable of) in order to save hardworking Americans from being eaten alive by these rapacious insurance companies who have lobbied and fixed the rules in their favor.

    The Governor has nibbled around the edges on tackling Florida’s insurance problem. His state is the poster child for insurance chicanery. He has to know the rest of the country is hoping he will fix this problem because they too, are waiting to exhale.

    My conclusion is every other word out of DeSantis’ mouth should be linked to something about America’s insurance problems.

    P.S. I hope there is someone out there who can FastTrack this message to the governor’s campaign manager.

  • After the last big storm I shook hands with the Gov.

    It was an honor.

    No matter what life has in store for him he is one hell of a man.

  • “Section 1. Because of the foregoing conditions, which are expected to constitute a major disaster, I declare that a state of emergency exists in the State of Florida.”

    Seems very excessive…but how else can you lawfully move state resources around in an attempt to pander to hopeful voters. State of emergency = no red tape

  • Being trapped in a war zone IS an emergency for those who are trapped. Gov DeSantis is taking care of the citizens of Florida who need assistance to return home from Israel.

    This assistance helps Israel as well, since terrorists are known for targeting Americans to hold hostage for leverage. Getting Americans to safety removes an incentive for terrorists to attempt more kidnappings.

    I think he’s doing the right thing because it’s the right thing. It’s a war rescue – not pandering.

    What the Governor is NOT known for is just doing whatever he thinks will poll well. He does what he thinks is right, regardless of the popularity of the action. He’s signed some bills, like the heartbeat bill, that actually hurt him in the polls, but he did that because he values life, whether born or unborn.

    Addressing insurance is also important, and I hope we will see solutions on that front as well, and soon. But this isn’t an either/or situation.

    • Read the order. There’s more to it than Floridian’s who are stuck in Israel because their flights were cancelled. I was talking about the more local directives

  • Needed since Biden is still stumbling on helping another foreign evacuation — Afghanistan, Ukraine…

  • DeSantis is the grown-up in the room. He is doing this because the O’Biden regime’s track record on US Citizen evacuation is abominable.

  • What a bunch of bs. All evacuation efforts are being managed by the Department of State at the federal level. No states are sending planes. Typical DeSatan grandstanding.

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