Governor DeSantis forms alliance of states against ESG

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to announce tomorrow that he and the governors of Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming have formed an alliance to push back against the environmental, social, corporate governance (ESG) agenda.
Although Congress has passed a bill nullifying the Biden administration rule that promotes making investment decisions using ESG factors, President Biden has promised to veto the bill. In a joint statement proposed by Florida, these states have committed to lead state-level efforts to protect individuals from the ESG movement, such as removing all state pension funds and state-controlled investments from firms that make decisions based on ESG factors.
Last month, Governor DeSantis announced legislation to protect Floridians from ESG. In January, DeSantis announced updates to the Florida Retirement System Pension Plan policy and SBA corporate governance proxy voting guidelines; those in turn built on actions taken last year to clearly define the factors fiduciaries are to consider in investment decisions, ensuring that ESG is prohibited from consideration.
Updated at 1:45 p.m. on 3/16 with corrected list of states from the governor’s office.
This is SO amazing! 18! But there should be more. But at least there are 18.
Absolutely! Keep my pension away from the wokesters!!
We are so lucky to have Desantis as our Governor….
Desantis needs to wipe the GNV CC of its ESG…” no ESG at the GNV cc”!!!
Look what they did to GRU. $1.7 billion in debt to stop climate change. Case closed.
Love my Gov!
Hallelujah Amen