Governor DeSantis signs legislation to end the squatters scam in Florida

Photo courtesy of the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis

Press release from the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis

ORLANDO, Fla. – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 621, which protects property rights, provides homeowners remedies against squatting, and increases penalties on squatters.

“We are putting an end to the squatters scam in Florida,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “While other states are siding with the squatters, we are protecting property owners and punishing criminals looking to game the system.”

“Florida is once again leading the nation, this time in securing our state against squatters,” said Attorney General Ashley Moody. “Biden has allowed millions of illegal immigrants to flood across the border. After video evidence of their plan to take over homes emerged, we’re ensuring Floridians are protected from this egregious and brazen scheme. I’m grateful to Governor DeSantis for signing this important legislation into law and to Representative Kevin Steele for carrying this bill through Session.”

Under HB 621, a property owner can request law enforcement to immediately remove a squatter from their property if the following conditions are met:

  • The individual has unlawfully entered and remains on the property;
  • The individual has been directed to leave the property by the owner but has not done so; and
  • The individual is not a current or former tenant in a legal dispute.

In Florida, it will be quick and simple to reclaim your home from squatters, avoiding costly delays, litigation, and missed rents.

HB 621 also creates harsh penalties for those engaged in squatting and for those who encourage squatting and teach others the scam. The bill makes it:

  • A first-degree misdemeanor for making a false statement in writing to obtain real property or for knowingly and willfully presenting a falsified document conveying property rights;
  • A second-degree felony for any person who unlawfully occupies or trespasses in a residential dwelling and who intentionally causes $1,000 or more in damages; and
  • A first-degree felony for knowingly advertising the sale or rent of a residential property without legal authority or ownership.

For more on HB 621, click here.

  • It sure is nice to have an actual strong leader govern this state and make common sense, logical decisions. Now if we can just get one to lead the nation once again, to stop coddling to the weak, progressive Dems running most states and nation into the ground.

    • DC is too far gone imo regardless who’s in “charge” and both parties are at fault for it. “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it”.

  • I would like to know why squatting isn’t breaking and entering or burglary or felony tresspass or some other common felony associated with entering and occupying a dwelling with the intent of commiting crime (fraud, etc). Things that were already against the law.

    • Because scummy lawyers made our laws. That’s something that should have been illegal long ago in America. Obvious conflict of interest!

    • If they do provide a fake lease, Im sure the cops will do a quick investigation (such as talking with the neighbors) and confirm that the owners testimony has credibility that they are squatters and its a fake lease agreement. More than likely, the liability for any, if any at all, future litigation will fall on the homeowner if the owner lied to have a tenant removed by the cops. Homeowner would then also be charged with filing a false police report, which most law abiding citizens wouldn’t do. This new law just takes away the squatter loophole and puts the power back in the hands of good people rather than bad people.

  • Thank you for undoing another lawyers industry loophole! Keep up the good work! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • Now if he can do something about the squatters masquerading as City Commissioners there may be hope for the future of Gainesville.

  • I had squatters on a vacant lot and called the sheriff & animal control 2 months ago…they didn’t want to do sh!t. …the squatters moved next door and cut a hole in my fence…they caused me $600 in damages….the neighbor is kicking them off the land… they crapped up that property & he has to get a dumpster to remove the trash…he’s gonna chain link his property. I’ve had bums break into my building by UF & cause damages and the system drops the charges, lets them go, & I got no restitution…we shall see what happens!

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