Governor Ron DeSantis signs 11 bills

Press release from the Officer of Governor Ron DeSantis

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed the following bills:

HB 5203 – Property Seized by the Florida Gaming Control Commission

HB 7043 – A Review Under the Open Government Sunset Review Act/Agency Personnel Information

CS/CS/HB 883 – Short-acting Bronchodilator Use in Public and Private Schools

HB 523 – Florida Seal of Fine Arts Program

CS/CS/HB 217 – College Campus Facilities in Areas of Critical State Concern

CS/HB 801 – Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia Training for Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers

CS/CS/HB 1491 – Public Records/Investigations by the Department of Legal Affairs

SB 46 – Reading Achievement Initiative for Scholastic Excellence Program

SB 304 – Household Moving Services

CS/SB 7008 – A Review Under the Open Government Sunset Review Act/Department of the Lottery

CS/SB 676 – Food Delivery Platforms
(sponsored by Sen. Jennifer Bradley)

To view the transmittal letter, click here and here.  

  • Republicans complain about how there’s too many constitutional amendments yet they pass one hundred laws per year. There’s more than enough laws already. If these politicians keep inventing laws, in one hundred years the Florida Statutes will consist of one trillion volumes. Take the traffic laws for example. It’s impossible for anybody to drive and not break one or more of them. It’s ridiculous.

    • We need laws to limit government, because from POTUS and governors, to federal agencies, to county and city commissions, human thriving is being thwarted by an avalanche of regulations and Executive Orders.

      I agree that we have too many laws and regulations, but we don’t have enough laws protecting our freedoms from the overbearing encroachment of those in power. The nanny state keeps growing and reaching into families, forcing and funding ideologies that violate our consciences and faith.

      The attempts to micromanage citizens by current federal agencies, down to what sort of lightbulb we can use or what kind of car we can drive is destructive and wrong. The lawfare launched against citizens who run afoul of these regulators is making Americans afraid of their own government.

      Our economy is in shambles because of regulators abusing their power to meddle in medical decisions, limit energy production, pollute our food supply, and interfere with businesses of all sorts and sizes. All while limiting our access to hear from dissenters.

      Thank you, Gov. DeSantis and our wonderful legislature for making Florida the Freedom state!

      • Absolutely correct. Behavioral changes are often the result of technological advances rather than legislation. Banning incandescents didn’t affect the adoption of LEDs; the latter became more reliable and less expensive to buy and run. Same will be true of electric (or whatever power source) vehicles, home power, etc.

        • They became cheaper and more reliable because a market was created which warranted high investment in the technology and market for them.

      • If the congress had not passed a bill limiting incandescent bulbs, LEDs. which cost $35 then wouldn’t now cost $2. That law created a market now met by manufacturers and that lowered costs dramatically and leaves us with more efficient and long lasting technology. It’s an excellent example of the government steering production for the common good – saving electricity is a common good.

        By the way, the economy has been growing for 3 years straight, there is no recession on the horizon – and that was a given until recently due to Covid – and unemployment is at historic lows for a record time. Inflation is finally down to about 3% which is low compared to the rest of the developed world.

        I don’t know where you get your news but you are either not paying attention or they are lying to you.

        • Not if you work at Purdue chicken. How many American workers got laid off. The inflation rate is back down to 3% after 3 years of it being high. What was it 5 years ago? As far as electricity. Look at what happen recently in Texas to a solar plant. Wiped out because of a storm. These alternative energy sources are not working because of ill planning and rushed construction without properly fortifying our electric grid. Off shore windmill exploration is killing our whales driving them to beach themselves. Please tell the American people who live paycheck to paycheck now, whose food shopping and gas expenses have skyrocketed from less than two dollars prior to China Joe’s bidenomics.

  • The problem is lawyers make our laws. It’s everywhere, not just Florida. We need a 26th Amendment prohibiting lawyers from political office, making laws that just feed more law skool grads with their loan debts to pay off.
    Lawyers already work in the Judicial branch, and interpret laws for their employers. They should NOT be in the Legislative and Executive branches.

    26th Amendment should also start rewriting past laws so a HS grad understands them. And establish a nationwide 3 Strikes law, sending repeat offenders to Puerto Rico, a human dump.

    It should also put juries in charge of the state courts. To judge the e tire merits of suspects, not just picky details on one case.

    • What a horrible thing to say – that Puerto Rico is a human dump.

      You’re a nasty, miserable person just like your orange Jesus.

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