Governor Ron DeSantis Signs 15 Bills
May 7, 2021

Press release from the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed the following bills:
- SB 530 – Nonopioid Alternatives
- CS/SB 602 – Business Organizations
- CS/CS/SB 1080 – Tobacco and Nicotine Products
- SB 1884 – Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition Regulation
- CS/CS/SB 1890 – Campaign Financing
- CS/HB 35 – Legal Notices
- HB 67 – Public Defender Duties
- CS/CS/HB 327 – Public Records
- HB 353 – Bicycle Operation Regulations
- CS/HB 363 – Privileged Communications Made to Crime Stoppers Organizations
- HB 369 – Construction Contracting Regulation Exemption
- CS/HB 379 – Public Records
- CS/CS/HB 1239 – Broadband Internet Infrastructure
- CS/CS/HB 1463 – Department of Economic Opportunity
- CS/HB 7037 – Review under the Open Government Sunset Review Act
For PDF copies of the transmittal letters, click HERE and HERE.
For all the Democratic $ociali$t$ out there, Governor DeSantis signed 15 bills seeking to improve the lives of Floridians.
The newly elected President of the United States has signed almost 3 times that number of Executive Orders with some seeking to limit our rights. If he can do that in his first 100 days think of how much more damage he can do before he leaves office. He must lie in bed at night thinking about what else he can do to screw up this country.
Who am I kidding, even if Biden could have an independent thought about anything everyone knows someone else is pulling his strings.
Did anyone notice the employment numbers released this past week? Economists were shocked at the low employment numbers, Biden on the other hand wasn’t surprised. I for one was not surprised either. When you pay more for people to stay home than go back to work, what should we expect?
Good thing many of you liberals support “Planned Parenthood,” with current economic policies being what they are, you won’t have to worry about your great grandchildren having to pay this administration’s bill.