Governor vetoes Perry bill providing for expunction of certain juvenile records
Yesterday Governor DeSantis vetoed SB 274 and a companion bill, CS/SB 166, both of which were introduced by Senator Keith Perry.
SB 274 requires the Department of Law Enforcement to expunge the nonjudicial arrest record of certain minors who have successfully completed a diversion program for any offense. Current law only provides for expunction if the arrest was for a misdemeanor.
Current law also provides that a minor who successfully completes a diversion program for a first-time misdemeanor offense may lawfully deny or fail to acknowledge his or her participation in the program unless the inquiry is made by a criminal justice agency. SB 274 would have removed the stipulation that this only applies to juveniles who are arrested for a first-time misdemeanor offense.
In his transmittal letter, the governor wrote that “SB 274 proposes to allow the expunction of a juvenile’s non-judicial arrest record following the completion of a diversion program for any offense, including a felony. I have concerns that the unfettered ability to expunge serious felonies, including sexual battery, from a juvenile’s record may have negative impacts on public safety.” The governor also wrote that he vetoed CS/SB 166 because it was linked to SB 274.
Perry has not responded to our request for a comment.
I am thankful for this governor! I agree with him on this issue and appreciate that he is looking out for the safety I’ve also Floridians, including those and Senator Perry’s district.
I wish Senator Perry had gotten behind better bills than this when he had the opportunity to do so.
I appreciate that the governor is looking out for ALL Floridians, including those IN Senator Perry’s district.
I apologize for all the typos! Will need to proofread better in the future before I hit “send!”