Governor’s Office is accepting nominations for vacant GRU Authority seat through July 25

The GRU Authority currently has one vacant seat

Press release from the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Governor is soliciting citizen nominations for one (1) member of the Gainesville Regional Utilities Authority (“GRU”). Nominees must meet the requirements of Chapter 2023-348, Laws of Florida, including but not limited to, that the nominee maintains his or her primary residence within the electric service territory of GRU’s utility system and receives GRU electric utility service at all times during the term of appointment.

Please send all nomination letters to no later than 5:00 p.m. EST, on July 25, 2024. Late nominations will not be considered.

While no solicitation is required under Ch. 2023-348, Laws of Florida (2023), the Governor looks forward to receiving the community’s input.

  • Bielarski’s seat is vacant and Carter’s appointment expires 10/1/24.

        • Not if and when the % of GRU electric meters outside City Limits exceeds 40%. Then “at least” two county residents are required.

          • Ed told me at last night’s meeting that GRU electric meters outside City limits currently equal 36% of total GRU electric meters.

  • During several GRUA meetings, citizens’ comments included complaints of too many white men on the Board. If you complained about that issue, then now is your opportunity to change that. Personally I don’t segregate people by color of skin, that is useless as segregation by eye color or hair color.

    But if you want to perpetuate the division of Americans, and citizens of Gainesville, and ratepayers to GRU, by skin color, then take the time to submit your nomination now.

  • The biomass/tree burner “so-called” renewable energy bandits at City Hall would complain, via their MULTIPLE media outlets, about anyone on the GRUA who would NOT be willing to promote the Hanrahan/Poe/Ward agenda of having GRU customers fund their Massive Spending Addiction.

    All they want is their GRU “cash cow” back – period.

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