GPD arrests suspect in multiple scooter thefts
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Donald Wayne Bell, 50, was arrested yesterday and charged with multiple scooter thefts. Gainesville Police Department had requested assistance from the public in finding him on December 29, and he was found yesterday by a GPD officer.
At about 3:40 p.m. yesterday, the officer saw Bell riding a scooter in the 4200 block of NW 13th Street and attempted to pull him over. Bell allegedly drove about a block down a dirt road before turning onto NW 11th Street and then rode the scooter behind a home on that street. The officer challenged Bell at gunpoint, and he reportedly surrendered.
A search of Bell’s backpack, incident to arrest, reportedly produced syringes containing a substance he identified as “molly”; the substance tested positive for MDPV.
The scooter was reportedly last seen by its owner on December 30, and the ignition had been tampered with so it could be started without a key. Traffic cameras reportedly showed Bell riding the scooter in multiple locations on January 2.Â
Post Miranda, Bell reportedly said he “bought” the scooter from an unknown man near SW 20th Avenue and SW 62nd Street on January 1.
The officer noted that he had submitted multiple sworn complaints against Bell for scooter theft that are not yet in the court system, and he is working on more cases that are expected to lead to charges.
Bell has been charged with three counts of grand theft of a motor vehicle, three counts of property damage over $200, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving without a valid license, and fleeing. Sworn complaints are pending for two counts of grand theft of a motor vehicle and one count of selling stolen property.
Bell has four felony convictions (none violent) and six misdemeanor convictions (one violent). Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $194,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Good thing you got caught. You can finally sober up in jail for awhile.
Get this bum off the streets. He’d rather steal than work. He needs hard labor.
At least he has been caught. Law Enforcement did their job. Let’s see what Kramer’s bunch will do now. Maybe they can give him a diversion agreement so he can continue his criminal ways.