Cleared: GPD asks public to avoid the Oaks Mall until potential hostage situation is resolved

Updated at 10:25 p.m.
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – According to a social media post from Gainesville Police Department, a call was received at about 6:30 p.m. this evening, and the caller said there was a hostage situation inside the Oaks Mall. GPD officers and Alachua County Sheriff’s deputies responded to clear and evacuate the mall. No evidence was found that anybody was held hostage, and rumors of an active shooter are unfounded. The Oaks Mall has been cleared.
Earlier updates:
Gainesville Police Department is asking the public to avoid the area of the Oaks Mall. Officers are on site, along with Alachua County Sheriff’s deputies, because of a call about a hostage situation, although officers have not confirmed that anyone is being held. Officers are currently clearing areas of the mall.
Update at 8:25 p.m.: Officers are continuing to clear areas of the mall and escort employees from stores; there is no evidence of any threat at this time, but GPD asks people to continue to stay away from the area.
The “area” or the “Oaks Mall”?
These types of events won’t do much to promote living in the new residences being constructed in the rear parking lot. On the other hand, it does a lot for promoting online shopping.
Look around what cities have the most crime and shootings democrat controlled cities
Can’t help noticing places like Ocala, Lake City, Williston, Jacksonville are always in the news…oh, wait a minute…
Because Democratically controlled cities have more people. If you look internationally, the country that has the most crime and shootings – America, also has far more Christians than more secular Western European countries.
Prayers for everyone
Yall always make it about politics. Grow up. Smh realistically our votes don’t mean crap and the parties are another way to divide and conquer. I can’t think of one mass shooting or anything like that or someone said let me go shoot all the Republicans or Democrats. Y’all really sound crazy. Maybe just accept the fact that we live in a crappy world no matter the party u rep.
Unfortunately, the fact that it happens so much more often in the United States suggests that it’s no so much a problem with the world as a problem with this country.
Then what’s your solution?
I was always told that if you can’t offer a solution, then you’re part of the problem.
Also if you’re pointing your finger at someone then there’s 3 fingers pointing back at you.
Democrat or Republican, white or black, people must stop being so selfish and ignorant.
Start reading, learn about the Bible, learn from your mistakes and improve yourself, versus being a victim.
Sure, there are a lot of Christians in the USA, but that doesn’t mean that they are the cause of crime. Our issues are more related to other social fabric problems like being too permissive of crime and gang violence. Mental health also appears to be a rapidly growing problem as well. Let’s not conflate things that don’t go together. Our society has complicated problems that are not related to religion.
Lastly, so called Christians that are involved in crime aren’t really very good ones, are they? If you read the 10 commandments, they are an excellent moral code that Christians are expected to live by. Most of them have nothing to do with religion at all. In fact, if we all followed them, there would be almost no crime, ever.
However, tonight’s incident was nothing at all. Just a big waste of time and money for an apparent hoax.
True, some countries if you steal they cut a hand off; do drugs and they lock you up for years; adultery, stoned to death; rape, castration.
Seems to be more effective deterrents than ROR.
You can’t even vote lmao stop it
The Mall property was so much nicer when it was a cow pasture.
Since that place was built, it has been a sore spot for ASO and GPD. No wonder folk like myself shop on line.
Can’t carry a gun in the mall, so sorry, I no shop there.
It takes an average of around 1.14 comments in any of these otherwise random, innocuous articles before someone interjects a comment that projects some political affiliation, agenda, blame, or incrimination; Republicans this, democrats that – liberals, conservatives…blah, blah, blah. This forum has turned into a pre-pubescent schoolyard political finger-pointing exercise.
This forum is not to blame. I am grateful for this forum and the perspective it provides.
So the truth is not important, especially if it exposes the many costly failures of Gainesville leaders?
Truth definitely doesn’t live anywhere near either political party. Anyone who is knee deep in either party cannot even spell truth.
After witnessing Trump and Biden admin both go along with fake pandemic (both still promote the DoD shot) while simultaneously printing insane amounts of money (inflation, yay!) it became obvious to anyone who wants to see that both parties work hand in glove, especially at the highest levels.
Especially in LaLa land Gainesville ,where what you actually see going on with the City, ACSB ,and ACC isn’t so. My Bad.
They need to trace that call and put there butts in jail lying