GPD investigating drive-by shooting

Press release from Gainesville Police Department

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department officers are on the scene of a shooting that occurred at 1900 SE 4th Street. A suspect in a vehicle fired shots at several juveniles near the Boys and Girls Club just after 4 p.m. One teenager was shot in the leg and transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. There is no information about the suspect at this time.

  • I thought that the threat of video cams everywhere all the time were supposed to save us from this sort of . . . . Guess that the cameras aren’t quite as much as defense as the ability to fire back directly, 9 mm kurz minimum. .45 even better.

  • “Near the Boys and Girls Club just after 4 p.m.”

    Hey Gainesville leadership and parents! The criminals aren’t listening and are targeting what are supposed to be safe areas for children!

    For the parents that do care and are able to, best protect yourselves and your families, criminals don’t care what the community thinks, says or does. Do what you have to do to protect those you love.

  • Where are the Guardian Angels? Do they even exist anymore? Would the City pay for bullet resistant vests for them?

  • Aren’t programs such as the Boys and Girls Clubs and midnight basketball supposed to keep all these fine youngsters out of trouble??

  • I doubt this was random. I would think folks can figure out whodunnit…, help the p-owe-leece do their jobs!

  • Gainesville City Commision’s “Wild, Wild ,East” thrives under their failed leadership and lawlessness.No wonder they vote for em.

    • Just remember, there’s a new city commission makeup now… we’ll hopefully see a lot more sense occur.

      • Bob R. I love your sense of hope. You will see it is the same old dog and pony show. Somehow they keep getting voted back in. It’s a machine and it’s running full speed. Strap in.

  • Gee whiz, wonder why nobody wants to settle down and open up a business on the east side of town? Hmm…that’s a real head-scratcher…🤔

    • But why they take all the kids activities away have nothing for them to do if the black side of town so bad why do whites come over here ride there bikes, play tennis, and use all the public facilities on their side. Just asking

  • That kids club is inside the Woodland Park section 8 crime breeding complex. Will it take kids getting shot up there before our idiot Housing Authority starts taking security — and REAL housing reform — seriously?

  • Let’em kill each other off. It’s crime prevention. Can’t commit crimes if ur dead.

    • My kids was in that house, my nephew got hit in his leg thank God he’s ok. But your mentality is just as bad as these young kids with no guidance.

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