
GPD investigating second Friday night shooting

Press release from Gainesville Police Department

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department responded to a drive-by shooting in the Lincoln Estates neighborhood on Friday night, just minutes before a drive-by shooting in the Duval neighborhood.

On Friday, July 7, at approximately 10:23 p.m., GPD officers responded to the area of 1200 SE 19th Terrace after receiving several calls about a drive-by shooting. Several vehicles were struck by the gunfire. As of this writing, there have not been any reports of person(s) shot.

Officers and detectives are actively working both shooting scenes. It is unknown at this time if both shootings are related. Any updates will be provided at a later time.

We are asking members of the community with information regarding this shooting to please call 352-955-1818 or Crime Stoppers at 352-372-7867.

  • Hope the new facility has plenty of bed space, a full time staff, and a large enough morgue.
    From the looks of things, they’ll need it.

  • The SE flip side food desert where state Rep. Yvonne Hinson lives? Cannot be.

  • Oh Snap! Lets get the Community Center Built, that will solve the Mayors Woke Joke on crime.

  • No need to guess the nationality of the shooters. But I’m sure their lives matter. Stay WOKE y’all.

  • It was only a matter of time before sleepy Gainesville became like every other large city. Such as shame; this town was not having shootings like this even 10 years ago. It is time to move.

    • Nah, wait for the governor to send some of them down the “Bad Egg” garbage chute.

    • Dems finally found a growth industry to support: crime and misery (opps, two)

  • We need that arts center, and make sure it serves po-boys and crawdads to give it that Louisiana flavor. Seriously, we need people in charge (of the police) who don’t care about all the daily racial grievance sob stories. Build more jails and police substations.

  • You can put lipstick all over a pig, at the end of the day it’s still a pig. moderate the truth all you want nothing will ever change until something is done. Criminals don’t follow laws nor do they care about them that’s why they’re called criminals. Let’s stop feeling sorry for these degenerate human beings of society. There’s an old saying that goes if you don’t want to do the time don’t do the crime, Gainesville has changed it to ” if you don’t want to do any time, come to Gainesville and do the crime”!

  • These people can’t afford to pay rent, but they can afford guns and ammo.

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