GPD investigating shooting in NE Gainesville

Press release from Gainesville Police Department

Updated at 4 p.m.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Detectives continue to investigate an early morning shooting that injured three persons. Officers responded to 2007 NE 27th Avenue at 1:07 a.m. for a “shots fired” call. Officers arrived within seconds and discovered a large crowd of more than 100 persons that had gathered to party in a parking lot following an earlier Peaceful Sundays event.

The crowd dispersed, and arriving officers found 19 shell casings, as well as five vehicles that were struck by bullets. Minutes later, Shands ER notified us that two male gunshot victims had arrived in two separate cars. Each had a serious wound to their leg. A third victim, a woman, arrived to be treated for a shrapnel wound. Police urge anyone who may have information about this attempted homicide to contact us at 352-393-7700.

  • And let me guess- No one saw anything, knows anything, heard anything…no one knows nuthin.

  • That area is an industrial park behind the original Sonny’s. Let’s hope it did not involve any *innocent* victims there.

    • It’s trolling grounds for the thugs of NE15th Street. Let them shoot themselves preferably in the head.

  • Once Shands has the new property placed, it won’t be as far a ride.
    Just hope they’ll be able to stock the meds needed by the patients.

  • They gathered to party in the parking lot because there was no Open Container law to stop them or even make them think twice about doing it. Thanks Ward, Saco, Willits, etc. At least nobody was killed this time.

    • I hate to admit it but you do crack me up. I love Jack Nicholson, the picture is perfect.

  • A Gainesville City Commissioner finally explained why he and his three friends voted to invite armed drunks to roam our streets, sidewalks and parks all night: He explained it in terms we can all understand, like “I wouldn’t want to live in a town where I can’t carry a beer”. We the unarmed who live here can now understand how painful, how distressing, how civically uncivil it was before this commission majority took over and told us how things should really be.

    • Was it something like: “if concealed weapons permit holders can have guns and walk the streets, then alcoholics can walk the streets with open containers”? And this is why they are stalemated?

  • This has become an East Gainesville every weekend event. Sounds of gunshots, a few minutes later the sirens start. Unless it is on my street I don’t even bother calling anymore. Lot’s of talk about K-9 unit to deflect from the increase in shootings.

  • Gee whiz, i wonder why no businesses wanna open up in east Gainesville? That’s a real head-scratcher, yessiree…

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