GPD investigating shooting this evening on NE 15th Street

Press release from Gainesville Police Department

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At 6:40 p.m. this evening, Gainesville Police Department Officers were dispatched to a shooting in the area of 2200 NE 15th St. Occupant(s) in a vehicle fired over 20 shots at a juvenile male victim. The victim sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

GPD Detectives are investigating, and initial information is limited.

Anyone with information is asked to contact GPD. You can remain anonymous by reporting tips to the Alachua County Crime Stoppers at

  • Why aren’t the protesters and activists organizing?

    They must be afraid of being shot at.

  • Remember when Dems laughed at Dan Quayle for “Murphy Brown”? He was right.

  • Whatever happened to the good ole days when you’d meet on the corner off school grounds and just duke it out. Kids are so soft these days that their afraid to get their ass kicked. It’s sad that they gotta go break into some dumb asses car and steal a gun to feel hard. Bunch of wussy’s!

  • Latest ad for tourism…
    “What brought you to Gainesville?”
    Tourist, “I saw the lights.”
    “Why are you leaving so soon?”
    Tourist, “I didn’t realize the lights were muzzle flashes!”

    Gainesville. Where crime & culture can’t get along together…in all kinds of weather.

  • Good ole G’ville is now as dangerous as Jacksonville, just on a slightly smaller scale. Be interesting to see what plan Lonnie comes up with to curtail the violence.

    • Even Lonnie can only do so much when he & GPD keep getting handcuffed by Curry, Harvey & the woke, pandering city commission.

  • 20 shots and no kill? Them guys need to spend more time at the range, practicing!

  • There’s a pattern here…it’s staring people in the face and they still won’t acknowledge it.

    • Same group that just mobbed downtown over Easter weekend and started shooting at each other. We need to clean this up now. Put these people back where they belong.

  • If only the same people on here were REALLY outraged and upset about the usual suspects who terrorize public places by doing mass shootings all over this country, but we all know why they have nothing to say about those tragic events. The commentary who post on here are also suspect as well, you won’t express it in public, but feel comfortable and safe to do it on the internet. Cowards.

    • That’s national news, not local. The Chronicle didn’t report on something close to home either, (Marion County). I’m sure you’ve heard about it. Three teenagers, (2 & 1 twelve year old), shot 3 others and dumped the bodies.
      It wasn’t as well documented because it didn’t fit with the national commentary.
      By the way, both the shooting in Kentucky and Marion county were equally tragic. In either case, I don’t think those who crave the spotlight & the opportunity to sue municipalities will be there talking about how tragic those were.

    • Lmao, Look in your own backyard before you start comparing events. your own people are terrorizing public places all over the county and shooting out of moving cars at a teenager! That’s a real coward!

    • I believe this is for Alachua County news not national news. The problem is that no one wants to say the obvious, I will. Most of the shootings and armed disturbance that occur in Alachua County are done by blacks shooting at other blacks. I am not saying that white people don’t shoot at white people but the over all majority of events involve blacks killing blacks. So the question is how do blacks realize that killing other black people no matter the reason is wrong. You dont need to kill one another over girls, drugs, or what someone called you. It’s a educational issue that need to be taught at home as well as school that they learn to respect themselves and others.

      • Alachua County is reaping the benefits this School Board past and present has focused on since the 2008 Presidential Guidelines. No discipline, no accountability by students , Admin and especially the failed school board. Gainesville is a dumpster fire.

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