Male victim shot and killed at Tiger Bay Apartments

Updated at 4:12 p.m. with information about the victim

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department is on scene at Tiger Bay Apartments (400 SE 24th Drive), where a male victim was shot and killed at about 11:40 a.m. The agency is not releasing any additional information at this time, but this article will be updated as new information is received.

Information about this incident can be reported anonymously to Crime Stoppers at (352) 372-7867.

  • Another day. Another shooting. This is the new normal now. Taking bets on when the next shooting will be.

  • Tiger Bay will have to change owners, management and its name soon 👺👿👹🤡💩SPLC

    • Imo, it’s this culture of of solve a conflict through fights, violence, and disrupt peaceful living at any cost. Most places have good people living in the neighborhood who work to build it up. So than the real questions are, “What have you done FOR your neighborhood or your household lately to bring a sense of community of peaceful living? When there is conflict do you just ignore it or make the call for help? Do you watch out for kids? Do you expect law enforcement to fix neighborhood or are b to willing to play a positive role to build neighborhood up or playing the ugly role of ripping it apart?
      Imo. Evybody can do something positive each day, real simple.
      Accept positive role, reject hate.

  • The gun that done it was just misguided. The gun felt like an outcast. It had been stolen, and the gun felt like a poor lost puppy without its owner. The gun was never included, and surely not diverse.
    Poor gun…..😥 I heard the gun’s Mama was on crack, and was always telling the gun to go out and play. She never spent any time with it. The father of the gun ran off when it was just a baby. The gun had no direction growing up. Poor thing.
    All Alone, in the ghetto…..

  • This is getting depressing. Maybe it will get so bad the leftists will want to start locking up criminals. But I’m not holding my breath

    • No, go ahead and hold your breath,about 5 minutes should do it. It is not the left that passed laws that make gun laws as easy as getting a driver’s license. And our current governor wants to drop the age to 18.

      • Sure, blame it on the governor.
        People like yourself usually do look for someone else to blame.

        • So it’s a problem when someone blames the governor but not when someone blames leftists? make it make sense

      • Jeff I will almost bet money at the shooter and possibly the one that got shot. We’re both felons that’s not allowed to have gun to start with. We have Laws on the books that state felons can not have a Gun so if you left-wing idiot, Democrats would actually get the judges to lock their ass up and keep them in jail when you do something stupid instead of low bail or ROR

    • where are these leftists of which you speak? you mean liberals? they’re about two inches left of center. there are no true leftists in government lol.

  • dn’t worry city hall is on it gonna due something with the fountain at city hall

  • Do you really expect any more… Low income – drugs – violence

    All hand and hand….. Certain cultures in America just breed this crap….. Blm

    Rest in heaven to who ever this person was. Life is short… Make changes.

  • 🛑 I Wonder what Sorry 💩 cops was on the Eastside, Officers P and M 👀

    • Blame it on the police for one person killing another that’s why you earned the award of the day. Congrats

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