GPD K-9 unit returns to regular duty

Press release from Gainesville Police Department

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Chief Lonnie Scott returned the Gainesville Police Department’s K-9 Unit to Regular Duty Status effective Friday, February 17, 2023. The K-9 Unit is currently composed of two K-9 handlers and their canines who are now available to fulfill their previous duties and responsibilities.

The two handler teams of Acting Sergeant Dylan Hayes-Morrison and K-9 Ares and Corporal Casey Walsh and K-9 Stern resumed full K-9 team activity upon their return to duty and are available for call-out as the need is determined by a shift commander. The police department’s K-9 Unit was restructured due to recent changes of assignments, as well as the retirement of K-9 Roo who aged out of active service.

Ultimately, the future of any specialty unit, K-9 included, is rooted in the needs of the agency, the community, and how those needs are addressed. “Acting Sergeant Hayes-Morrison and Corporal Walsh have demonstrated perseverance throughout this transition, convincing me that their willingness to endure the internal and external scrutiny is equal to their determination to operate a K-9 Unit that gains and maintains the public’s trust,” explains Chief Scott. “We are dedicated to the future of the K-9 Unit and the safety of our employees and neighbors. With all that said, I’m proud to return the K-9 Unit to Regular Duty status. I have every confidence that they will not only maintain, but exceed the standard of service that has long been established by the GPD K-9 Unit.”

As this transition moves forward, GPD announced available positions with the K-9 Unit, and currently five candidates are ready to participate in a selection process to take place next month. The successful candidates from this process will represent the next era of the Gainesville Police Department’s K-9 Unit.

  • Great. An entirely inexperienced K-9 unit with no experienced trainer. Dozens of years of dog handler experience gone because of the stupidity of the command staff. Well done, gentlemen.

  • I’m looking forward to a more inclusionary stance on the breeds of dogs working these positions that more accurately represents dog demographics in the USA.

  • Hey GeeZus- were you at?
    This article posted hours ago but you haven’t chimed-in with your ‘infinite wisdom’ & made this a racial issue yet…

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