GPD looking for gray Toyota pickup with tinted windows following fatal hit-and-run
January 10, 2023

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department is looking for a gray Toyota pickup truck with tinted windows that was seen fleeing the scene of a fatal hit-and-run today.
An adult male bicyclist was killed in the hit-and-run accident on a service road off the 3500 block of Archer Road.
Sad, not familiar, but will be on the look-out.
Behind the old Kohls. This kind of hitandrun seems to be happening more frequently, more evidence of the continuing breakdown of civil society.
Have they found the Volvo driver of the S. Main late night hit and run homicide, yet?
I guess your behind times yes they did
I’m with JeffK, never saw anything about it.
I yet to understand how anyone can hit someone and just drive off it takes a sorry Son of B to do that it should be a minimum of 20 years and never have a driver license again
We need PROTECTED bike lanes, NOW!!