New picture released: GPD searching for missing 13-year-old
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department is searching for Ean Stephens, 13, who was last seen last night at 10:45 p.m. in the 3700 block of SW 30th Terrace, in the area of Serenola Pines and Oak Glade Apartments. He was last seen wearing a dark gray shirt, black shorts, a black oversized hooded sweatshirt (current photo of Ean in the sweatshirt shown above), and possibly black shoes. He is a white male, 5’4”, and weighs 120 pounds. He has brown hair and may be riding a teal bicycle. He also has a scar on his forehead and speaks with a slow southern accent. Ean is not familiar with the area.
The pictures below are at least a year old. Please look for the prominent scar across his forehead.
If you find Ean, please call 911. If you have any information that may assist in locating Ean, please contact Det. Russano 352-393-7719.

Updated at 4 p.m. on December 24 with new information from GPD.
He looks like he’s looking for a warmer place to stay. This could be another sad result of high GRU bills back home, maybe thermostat turned down too far? Sad story.
It sounds like he’s probably from out of town and visiting family who live here, especially since it is holiday time. I assume the photo with the hoodie is a surveillance photo from a store. A lot of sketchy people live in the quadruplexes and other buildings in that area; hopefully the police are checking out all of the possibilities.
I’ve known ean since he was a year old and this last picture the one in the hoodie is not him. This guy looks like he needs to shave. To old to be ean Stephens.
Looks intentional not lost
If I was 13 and that area was where I was supposed to spend Christmas, I’d rather get lost too.