GPD seeking woman connected to car theft case
February 20, 2023

Press release from Gainesville Police Department
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department is looking for the woman captured in these two surveillance photos in connection with a recent Grand Theft Auto Case. Anyone with information is asked to call Det. Meek at 352-393-7659 or email
Must be a Big car!
Check all the drive thrus.
Was that really Necessary???
I don’t know her, but I know who was sitting next to her…HER!
Check the zoo, I think I saw her flirting with the elephant 🐘
She should be walking or biking, it appears instead.
Must be nice to be able to bully people online anonymously
Close call for the glass counter.
Man move over Larry the sanitation worker it’s sum hillbillies just as funny 😁 on this comment section 😏😏 maaaaaan most of yall mamees look like her if not worse 😂 🤣 😳..conservatives aren’t funny 😒 it takes intelligence to actually b funny..
Anybody can be a babbling idiot… that’s Equity in action. I hope you and your woke incel friends lose your virginity someday. Maybe try to calm down and not always act like a spaz, here and elsewhere.
Awesome r u familiar with Jeff Dunham and his little friends. He’s funny!
She has beautiful hair. Too bad she let herself go.