GPD seeks assistance from the public in investigation of shooting incident at Lewis Place Apartments

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – On Sunday, March 24, at approximately 6:50 p.m., officers of the Gainesville Police Department (GPD) and EMS responded to a report of a person shot at Lewis Place Apartments (4121 NE 15th St).

Upon their arrival, officers were informed that Bernard Carter III had entered his family members’ apartment and announced he had been shot. Carter succumbed to his injuries at a local hospital several days later.

Detectives assigned to the case have been actively investigating the incident and are now reaching out to the public for any assistance. Anyone who may have had contact with Carter on March 24 or may possess any information regarding the incident or the individuals involved are urged to come forward.

Detective Bernal can be reached via email at or by phone at 352-393-7729.

To leave an anonymous tip, call Crime Stoppers at 352-372-7867

  • Was he shot at the apt complex? Is the apt complex a Section 8, without security features?

    • An apartment wasn’t mentioned but they really need to take a closer look at the “victim”

    • Clown you worrying about the wrong thing every article you mentioned section 8 you must be wanting to be on it

  • Lewis Place is yet another “affordable housing” dump. The same kind our idiot commissioners want to spread all over the county.

  • Given Carter lll’s history and family history he was living and dying by the sword.

  • After an extensive AI simulation based on hundreds of local crime reports, I was able to compile this profile of the suspect:

    – Arrested for theft, drug possession, and assault within the last 60 days
    – Had all but the most minor charges inexplicably dropped
    – Has an extensive juvenile record from age 11-18
    – Released on less than $10,000 bail
    – Currently on some kind of pre-trial diversion

  • the reward should go to all the victim’s of his reighn of terror

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