Group posts petition asking for “Vote of no confidence” in Superintendent Simon


Following the non-renewal of the contracts of several Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) employees, including the popular principal of Glen Springs Elementary, a group calling themselves “Citizens of Alachua County” has posted a petition calling for a “Vote of No Confidence” in ACPS Superintendent Dr. Carlee Simon.

The petition says, “Throughout the past 6 months, we have witnessed Dr. Simon’s abrupt interim appointment to the swift permanent appointment, we have had concerns regarding Dr. Simon’s leadership, specifically concerning trust, collaboration, decision-making, vision, communication, her lack of respect for parents and staff, and her inability to create positive working relationships with staff members and the community. She has created an environment of intimidation that makes staff and administrators afraid to speak out on behalf of our students and community.”

According to Facebook posts, the goal is to get over 1000 signatures by 9:00 a.m. Monday morning; the next school board meeting is at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 1. The petition currently has 116 signatures. The Glen Springs PTA is encouraging parents to attend the meeting, and at least one school board member, Rob Hyatt, has expressed support in an email posted on Facebook: “Now is an unwise time to switch leadership at Glen Springs. I am very disappointed with this decision. Our next school board meeting is on June 1. I hope to hear from you and like-minded members of the Glen Springs community.”

  • unbelievably horrible person along with her three side kicks who make all this possible! This person is not doing the best for children! She gives women a bad name!!

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