GRU Authority members submit resignations as part of agreement to appoint new board

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – As part of a joint motion to stay proceedings in a lawsuit against Governor Ron DeSantis, all four members of the GRU Authority have submitted their resignations, effective in 60 days, and a new board will be appointed.
The lawsuit, filed by Robert Hutchinson and Jeffrey Shapiro, asked a judge to issue a Writ of Quo Warranto to force the Governor to replace at least some of the current Authority members with appointees who live inside the city limits of Gainesville. After Leon County Judge J. Lee Marsh indicated in a February 22 hearing that he was leaning toward granting the petition but uncertain about specifying which members should be removed, both parties agreed “on a path forward that should resolve the case.”
Under the agreement, all four members tendered their resignations to the Governor this week, effective in 60 days (May 11 and 12, 2024). According to court documents, the effective dates of the resignations “are delayed to ensure the Authority has a functioning board while the Governor issues the required public notices, solicits citizen nominations, and makes the new appointments.”
Once the resignations were received, the Executive Office of the Governor posted a public notice soliciting citizen nominations; the public notice period will remain open for 30 days. Within 30 days of the end of the notice period, the Governor will appoint five members to fill the vacancies on the Authority.
The motion asks the Court to stay further proceedings in the case until May 16 “because the aforementioned arrangement appears likely to resolve the case.” Either party may move to lift the stay at any time.
Once the Governor fills the vacancies as specified in HB 1645, the parties have agreed that the plaintiffs will voluntarily dismiss the case.
What a cluster F, courtesy of DeSatan, Clemons, and Perry.
This is not the look of responsible governance.
So you’re admitting that the GRU situation is so bad that even attempts to fix it are failing?
Nothing to see here, move along. All is well, nothing to see here.
Good thing they weren’t getting paid. We got as much of a return with them them as we do with the City Commission.
This is a good reminder that these are unpaid positions
An apparently thankless unpaid position.
Lots of people on the shore, throwing rocks at the unpaid rowers.
I have a dog, gerbil, cat, turtle, and a pet rock I’d like to nominate; I’d wager all are more competent and have more common sense than those resigning – combined.
Can we replace the city commission with them instead?
Ain’t that the truth
At least this gets rid of Carter and the other obstructionist.
Need to put some competent people on the board that can work collaboratively together to get thing done.
Is it only collaborative when the left get their way? Why can you not collaborate on conservative idea’s?
Good. Start over and do better.
I’m happy this happened. Let’s see who the governor appoints… Hutchinson will most likely regret this move
Hutch is just an asshole…he needs to triple mask and load up with Covid shots…
Hutch lives in the Clay Electric domain, maybe in a 55+ trailer park now?
Basically the Gov gets a do over. Now that the dust as settled, maybe we’ll get a better board.
I told all you fools this “authority” had none and it’s actions would eventually be moot and you wanted it so bad, you all made up excuses for why this part of the law didn’t mean what it clearly said.
Thanks for playing, and can I get you some hot sauce for that nasty crow you’re eating?
PS The “Don’t Say” bill has been gutted even though our governor is trying to say up is down and he somehow won in the “settlement”. More like a legal de-pantsing. Your guy is a clown and a liar who’s attack on the state is starting to come apart and smell.
So you defend sexual grooming of children? And you’re a Biden supporter? 🤔🧐🥺
How is the Parental Rights and Stop Sexualizing Kids Law being gutted exactly? Seriously, how?
“ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Students and teachers can discuss sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida classrooms, provided it’s not part of instruction, under a settlement reached Monday between Florida education officials and civil rights attorneys who had challenged a state law which critics dubbed “Don’t Say Gay.”…
Under the terms of the settlement, the Florida Board of Education will send instructions to every school district saying the Florida law doesn’t prohibit discussing LGBTQ+ people, nor prevent anti-bullying rules on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or disallow Gay-Straight Alliance groups. The settlement also spells out that the law is neutral — meaning what applies to LGBTQ+ people also applies to heterosexual people — and that it doesn’t apply to library books not being used for instruction in the classroom.
The law also doesn’t apply to books with incidental references to LGBTQ+ characters or same-sex couples, “as they are not instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity any more than a math problem asking students to add bushels of apples is instruction on apple farming,” according to the settlement….”
Doesn’t sound like “gutting” at all. In fact it seems like a sound compromise – a student can bring up a subject, and if the discussion is age appropriate the teacher can respond.
I’m sure it will be abused by lots of groomers and deviants, but that is where the Board of Ed policy comes in.
Hey, if you’re happy I’m happy and if you change your mind you can ride your unicorn to the school board meetings,
By the way, the challenges to library books by our local gadfly are dead under this settlement.
There were no “actions.” Unless you count the circle jerking.
What actions are moot? There is no reversal of the hiring of a new attorney or the sale of the public safety radio. The Authority board members will simply be reappointed. A Pyrrhic victory at best for your folks.
Thanks for making it clear that you are not part of the “folks” like me who insists that laws are followed by politicians. Quite an admission by someone who aspired to be one – that was a close call and apparently made correctly by the citizens of Gainesville who maybe sensed you’d turn on them and favor taking away their ownership rights of GRU.
As to what actions are moot, one suspects that there will be challenges to them now that the “authority” which decided them has been officially recognized as bogus.
PS Unless they all move to Gainesville, only one is qualified under the law to be a member, so no, don’t expect them to be reappointed, much as you may wish for that corrupt result.
Congratulations on your big win in the GRU board participation matter. I’m a bit worried there aren’t enough competent business people living in Gainesville’s city limits to populate the board. All the more so since the local political power structure seems a lot more interested in ‘owning the governor’ and pursing their climate goals than they are with having the utility in a stable financial condition.
The situation with the utility board doesn’t seem any more ‘corrupt’ than the multiple recent instances of local politicians remaining on the payrolls after they became aware they were not qualified to be elected. Of course that is personal ‘corrupt’ enrichment and so it will be overlooked by the local party in power that put them in their positions.
Voters put elected leaders in power, not the “party in power”.
It seems a civics course and test should be required for commenters on this web site.
Great idea! Will there be a question on the test about whether a felon can vote absentee from the jail?
This is about Trump, right?
You failed. Voters put elected officials in power. Not all leaders are elected. DUH.
Unelected leaders are appointed by our elected leaders. Gainesville voters did not elect Clemons, Perry, the rest of the GOP mob in Tallahassee, DeSantis – or you. That is apparently why you side with them.
What is wrong with you?
In your world, any judge who makes a ruling you disagree with is corrupt, and any elected official you don’t like is “not elected by Gainesville voters.” Gainesville voters DID vote in their elections for DeSantis, Perry, and Clemons; they just didn’t prevail.
It’s fine to side with the people you vote for – YOU VOTED FOR THEM BECAUSE YOU AGREE WITH THEM – but it’s blindly partisan to claim that anyone who sides with the people you don’t like is automatically corrupt or part of a “mob.”
Yes, Republicans won the governor’s election, and Democrats tend to win Alachua County elections. Are Democrats in Alachua County the “Democrat mob in Alachua County”? Somehow I doubt you would characterize it that way.
If Democrats in Tallahassee try to take over the Ocala utilities or pass a law and campaign with falsehoods how Marion County chooses it’s commissioners – most Florida counties do not have single member districts, but blue Alachua County was singled out – they’ll be a mob.
The actions of this governor and the state legislature to usurp local voters and governments is unprecedented and for good reasons. This is a abuse of power previously intended only for malfeasance, not disagreement on policy. Sorry you are so blinded by partisanship that you can’t see that.
Glad we apparently agree now that I was correct and the “authority” had none.
that may sound good in theory, but it isn’t really the reality here. I don’t understand why offices such as Sheriff are a Partisan race.. Shouldn’t really matter what party they belong to, as long as they uphold the law. but here we are. same with Tax Collector.
How many times does it need to be repeated to you? We have never had any “ownership rights” with regard to GRU.
You elected it’s governing authority. Now you don’t. Some clowns in Tallahassee and Newberry do that.
I didn’t elect them and they don’t utilize the utility for the benefit of it’s customers nor do they make sound fiscal decisions. I have yet to find one GRU customer who has given their approval for the continued increase in rates over the past several years with more to come.
Instead, they have chosen to use it to fund their projects for self-gratification.
You of all people should know about that.
If you didn’t elect them you either don’t live in the city or you lost the elections. Get over it loser, maybe next time.
I have no idea what your last sentence is supposed to mean.
Thought you knew everything… Self-gratification: the act of pleasing oneself or of satisfying one’s desires
especially : the satisfying of one’s own sexual urges.
Hope that helps.
Live in the city if that helps. Stated earlier, I didn’t elect them.
Looks like there’s two losers commenting here seeing as how you keep harping how Perry & Clemons wouldn’t win an election in Gainesville. Try digesting that along with whatever Ward keeps feeding you.
Actually I wrote a piece in the Chronicle in which I said the Governor should reappoint, based on HB 1645. It seems you are the one with an agenda, unable to maintain an objective perspective. BTW, there are no lawsuits outstanding in which any actions taken by the board are being considered void. Even this settlement puts that to rest.
You are just spinning on partial facts, innuendo, and lack of real understanding of the issues.
Gee, you’re a real hero. Sorry if I took you for someone defending the usurpation of ownership rights of the citizens of Gainesville by the state GOP.
I have no agenda other than the city and county not to be taken over by force, something one would hope you favored as a former candidate for mayor. Again I ask, what would your position be on this power grab if you were the mayor, because you’re all in for it now.
I guess no lawsuits now, 2 days after the governor announced he had to finally comply with the law after having a judge kicking his stupid and lazy ass, means no lawsuits in the future.
Snarkiness isn’t an example of intellect. In fact, it shows you don’t have a real argument. I was simply pointing out that I, indeed, had argued that the appointments were inappropriate. They didn’t invalidate any of the board’s actions, just as the County Commissioners who didn’t remember their addresses invalidate the county’s actions.
The county commission maintained a healthy majority of legitimate members. The “authority” has only one.
My argument is based on the law which I have posted here several times – want to see it again ?- and the facts, including a ruling agreeing with me.
Yes, you are correct on snarkiness – though somehow I am the only commenter called out for it for some mysterious reason. Forgive me, but I find it particularly odious that someone who ran for mayor now wants to strip the mayor and the commission from deciding issues on city property and give them to political appointees made by those who have never won a city election and never would. I hope this is not too snarky, but you’re a traitor to the city and those who’s vote you recently sought.
As someone who routinely slams judges who rule against your expert legal opinion (as a builder, lol) in this comment section, I hope you also eat crow every time a judge rules against your preferred outcome. Or you could just acknowledge that these issues end up in court because arguments can be made on both sides, and sometimes judges don’t rule the way we would like.
Probably too much to ask, but could you be – you know – specific (lol)?
Your comment on Feb. 22 in response to an article about a federal judge dismissing a lawsuit against the GRUA:
“The judge is a Trump appointee and previously worked under Bondi in the Scott’s AG’s office. Predictable outcome from another party hack.”
Unlike that “issue”, the law on membership in Authority was clearly and unambiguously spelled out in the law and the fact that 3 of the 4 didn’t meet it also clear. Denying this as almost here did was a case of herd wishful thinking belying a desire for their desired end result no matter what the law is.
I was right. They were wrong and are now exposed. I’m not bragging as any fool not burdened by the disease most here suffer from could see what the law said. This is a reflection not of my genius but of the unscrupulous means and foolish beliefs of most you. Admit it and we can move on.
It must very difficult finding enough normal thinking citizens within Gainesville. Because they already left?
Don’t reappoint the RINO’s!
Is this not a tacit admission that Murtha’s interpretation was bs from the start and very beginning? This bs has harmed the legitimacy of this board.
Given the dysfunction of the current Authority, this is a win for ratepayers. Hutch will regret the challenge when the now present Governor gets a redo. The mistakes made in the initial appointments will get cured and HB1645 will be implemented as originally drafted.
You previously claimed there was no mistake and residency requirements were BS. Eat crow.
As opposed to what you’re eating? I’ll take crow any day.
Let the city keep it’s GRU….but let the rest of us in the county choose an alternate utility that won’t pilfer the rate payers for woke $$$.
Rep Hinson offered an amendment to that effect when the bill creating this was being heard. She was voted down by the GOP operatives who wanted to steal GRU. Remember Perry received $100k in dirty campaign money then used illegally from FPL and is not to be trusted on this issue, if any.
I remember old wild-eyed Hinson insisting that “the infrastructure is already in place!’ and everyone trying to quiet crazy grandma down. Too bad you don’t have someone to do that for you, Jazzman.
Sure Mr Peabody. If you had listened to me instead of believing what you wanted to believe, you would have agreed that is a matter of time before the “authority” was put to bed. You’re the doddering fool on this issue and everyone can see that – except for other true believers that is.
As if we can trust any of the locally elected commissioners and their charlatan hires to executive positions.
They’ve done nothing to create trust within the community they supposedly serve except to the idiots who have neither the common sense or intelligence to know better.
Elect somebody else. That’s how we do it in a democracy, that is except when the electoral college puts in losers like Bush and Trump.
Sure, typical liberal crying assbaby when an election doesn’t go your way. I’m curious, were you one of those who said you’d leave the country if Trump was elected? If so, why didn’t you?
There were many others who said they would and didn’t either. Maybe you’re like them, just another Democrat hypocrite.
Throwing the electoral college thing out there again? Tomorrow it’ll be SCOTUS. Get over it already.
Sure, it doesn’t mean anything when the party claiming they are the real Americans can win the popular vote only once in the last 8 presidential elections.
Maybe you should leave.
Win some, lose some. That’s the way things go.
If Trump wins the upcoming election, where are you going?
I’m not going anywhere – how about you?
He won’t win the vote and never has – Americans have rejected every time. He might win the stupid EC system we have or convince enough traitors like Kat to throw out the electors of states he lost, but without the VP – thanks Pence – that won’t go far. When you watch Gator games do you insist they win games they lose, cause I don’t get this tendency.
I didn’t think you would. An infestation usually thrives when it’s existence has taken over it’s host. The host usually succumbs to the disease and eventually the disease just dies out on it’s own or moves on to other bodies to infect. That’s happened here in Gainesville and unfortunately it’s happening in many other places around the country. (See mass migration from Democrat governed states)
Can’t remember the last Gator game I’ve watched in it’s entirety and while I may have been here for quite some time, there’s more important things than a football game. What I have seen over the past several years is that no matter how many people insist the Gators are going to win, it doesn’t quite work out that way.
No, we live in a democratic republic. Which is why the State of Florida (via its legislature) can step in when a state chartered municipality, such as Gainesville, abuses its state-given powers to operate a monopolistic utility.
But of course you instead bring in federal election issues like the electoral college to obfuscate the issue. Federal elections have and will remain illegitimate. Just look at how the Dems use super delegates for example. You mentioned when the cult obviously stole the election for Bush in 2000 but failed to mention the most conspicuous election theft in 2020. The cult runs deep in both parties…hints ‘uniparty’
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Civics 101 – Citizens don’t elect the President, States do. The President presides over the Union, not the Citizens.
It’s in the Constitution, maybe you’ve heard of it.
The constitution does not specify how electors are distributed within the states and the winner take all model followed by all but 2 states enhances the power of each state – except when they all do it – and disenfranchises millions of voters in all states (the millions of Republicans in California and millions of Democrats in Texas don’t matter and are not courted or listened to, but ten thousand in Wisconsin and Georgia do and are). It also means campaigning is limited to “battle ground” states and the rest of us effectively don’t matter. No doubt you’ll continue to defend this FU system while it favors you so I get that, but consider that 40000 more votes in Ohio would have elected Kerry while he lost the national vote – there have only been 4 elections won by the loser, 2 in the last 20 years. Also, you may recall that Senators were not popularly elected in our early days, so unless you favor returning to that, cut the originalist crap.
One hopes that along with legislative districting by non-partisan commission, which is done in California, not politicians, and reform of the EC to require states to distribute their electors proportionate to the popular vote, as us done in Maine and Nebraska, can be supported all fair minded voters of all parties.
PS I live 2 miles from the Gainesville city limits and my state representative is in McClenny and state senator in Orange Park. This is due to Clemons and Perry getting their seats more protected from local neighborhoods and more determined by the red rural areas.
OMG. We are a republic not a pure democracy. Our founding fathers warned of pure democracy with reason. Your comment “that’s how we do it in a democracy, that I’d except when the electoral college puts in … losers,” is pure crap. In one sentence you show ignorance of our Constitution. On the other hand you expose your leanings toward Marxist populism. You could care less about the rule of law. You want your way.
Well said. The founders accurately warned of a pure democracy many times….most famously in Federalist Paper 10, November 22, 1787
Nothing I have said advocates hostile takeovers – that’s your position and includes a hostile takeover of the government you sought to be head of – or other illegal actions.
Above I offer clear arguments on why the EC is a terrible and accidental mechanism which has given us 2 losers in 20 years and has resulted in the SC – picked under the constitution by the President, meaning indirect public opinion is designed to be a factor – consistently representing a minority viewpoint and doing BS like putting off a decision on whether Presidents can legally assassinate opponents (Trump’s attorneys asserted in court that they do) for a couple of months so their boy can further delay a trial critical to voter’s choice. Remember, a majority of this court was selected by losers of the popular presidential vote and one seat was stolen in broad daylight and another rammed down our throat after voting for president had begun.
Apparently you do not know that winner take all elections by states is not in the constitution and we voters who care about fairness in elections and favor participation – no, not you – can change this if enough become aware and lobby for that change. I do not have hope for this regressive, get off my lawn group here or shallow what’s in it for me individuals like you.
Yeah, I’m a real Marxist, having made payroll now for 40+ years with my own money, not others like you. F off tool.
I’ll ask again…what does the electoral college and federal elections have to do with Gainesville, GRU Authority, or the State of Florida? As I mentioned above, we live in a democratic republic comprised of many states. You’re angry about the State or Florida removing Gainesville’s state given right to operate a monopoly. If you actually had a decent point of view you’d be able to stick to the issue at hand instead of squealing about Trump and Bush and whoever else hurts your feelings
Please just allow us to have a choice of utility companies. I select Clay. I can’t stand seeing GRU bills in my mailbox.
No one chooses their utility company, anywhere., and by the way, I’ve been served in my home by both Clay and GRU and GRU is much better on fewer outages and better service when it does go off.
You need to get out more , Jizzum . There are over a dozen states with choices . Not in Florida yet , but probably another 1st for Gainesvilles Failed Delusions
State-by-State Information | ACCES
Google it .
You should check your facts before you anger sets in.
If someone else stated your baseless remark you would start your ranting name calling and pious vocabulary.
Not sure what you are talking about Private S…t (yeah, I can be as immature as you!) but only 2 states select their presidential electors proportionally – Maine and Nebraska.
Damn everything GRU is so inept that even FPL doesn’t want to buy it.
Wow,Jizzy is sure lashing out at his massive amount of opponents. He may fill vilified in this particular skirmish ,but still realizes His cherished City of Gainesville is in a downward spiral of failure. Sad,but apparently still in denial.Nice to know he’s restless and we live in his head,😀
No Captain, I own you here in public on the internet. Can’t speak for what’s in your head but honorable people proven wrong admit it and move on. Not expecting that here and not seeing it.
My Bad , I forgot you were one of those failed Biomass Bullies that caused all this carnage and financial problems for Gainesville. You must be so proud.
Had and have no opinion on the bio mass plant.
I try to refrain from assigning beliefs to other commenters here that they have not clearly stated or are otherwise obvious. Not so you weak clowns who constantly construct straw Men you pretend are me, and this goes to personal behavior as well.
Grow up and stick to the issues and if addressing me, please stuck to what I say and I already try to do that.
Well you seem to side with the individual’s that brought GRU and Wokesville to it’s knee’s with a pikes peak mountain of debt through the Biomass Debacle. Good luck with your struggles.That built up anger is not healthy.
I side with the principle of local control by voters of that which they own, including paying the piper and being responsible for their decisions. I don’t live in the city and don’t know who half the commissioners are and as they say, have no dog in that hunt.
I have made that abundantly clear in my comments and sorry that your partisan desire to control others regardless of the law and the principle I stated above blinds you to that.