Gunshot hits car near Linton Oaks
December 26, 2023

Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – A car was hit by a bullet this afternoon near Linton Oaks.
The Alachua County Sheriff’s Office said that a caller reported hearing shots fired in the area of the Mark S. Hopkins Park near the SWAG Family Resource Center. Responding deputies found a vehicle at a bus stop in Linton Oaks that had been hit by a bullet, but the victim did not want law enforcement involvement.
Deputies are trying to locate witnesses who may have seen the incident.
The law is too soft on the hoodlums running around with guns.
Judges are too easy on sentencing.
This spree of gun violence needs to stop. Why do we even vote in politicians.
Petal……. It’s a democratic town. It’s okay for them to act like idiots and committing crimes. Don’t complain if you voted for these local liberals in office
Who cares? Soon this area will be in the heart of Springs County and they can deal with it.
No all these people who feel they are demographically challenged will not want to live in Springs County where they might have to follow the laws and actually work for a living. They will run back to areas of the newly formed Gainesville County where they can victimize and mooch off Harvey and the liberal left. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. Enjoy your idiot of the day award.
Y’all stupid this has nothing do with Democrat Republican idiot!!! And spring county wth just stupid ridiculousness especially the ones talking bout Democrats vs Republican
Do you speak English?
Yes, Springs County and these areas will become model communities with proper leadership.
Today’s uncooperative victim will be tomorrow’s suspect.
Didn’t want police involved…wow
Sad isn’t it? What a freaking circus around here. I’m sure when they do end up getting shot or killed they will want the ammalance and da polices there lickity split! Isn’t that usually the first people they call?
While I support desantis and what he has done for Florida he made a major mistake allowing any citizen to carry a firearm without any proper training. While i don’t believe that this incident is one of those ( likely just more Hood violence) I do believe that it has caused people to Resort to more gun violence without even knowing the repercussions or penalties and not being able to change anything about it in the Split Second after they pull that trigger. I also am a firm believer that ignorance of the law is no excuse. It’s your responsibility to do your research.
Do you really think any of these punks are carrying legally or know/care what the law is, much less follow it?? These dirtbags probably think DeSantis is a frozen pizza! 🍕 🤔
@ Jimmy: frozen pizza? ROFLMAO! Good one!
These are the same problems that exist in Palenstine. They don’t report the bad apples like Hamas. They live in a life of fear. But sometimes it takes the community to stand up together and say no more. Unless this happens no gun law will stop the violence. Where is the.NAACP? Offering some type of help. Possibly having a door to door campaign trying to encourage folks to speak out.
Oh PUH-LEEZ, there is no family, much less a “community.”
Need to investigate the ‘victim’ to find and start shutting down the gang violence. You can thank former judge Walter Green for a lot of it.
Another Dem lawyer-funded crime breeder ranch.