“He might as well get paid full-time for it!”


  • Thanks Jake!😂 Can’t really recall much reporting I did to their benefit but I still appreciate this badge from ya.

    • uhh…didn’t you have final say on what got published? In that time you never realized how much more support/positive reporting, editorials, and peoples voice went towards social ideas (the homeless, LBGTQ+, and the like), green energy efforts (free scooter use, solar panels, electric cars all of which are now proven to be as harsh or worse on the planet between manufacturing, maintenance and disposal)? Geez, getting a liberal to see their bias is like getting a poor white man to understand he has white privilege when he has done nothing but work his entire life or a Muslim to realize the Jews occupied Israel for thousands of years before the Koran was ever written and Palestine was the insulting name the Romans called Israel.

    • He was dismissed because (thank Goodness) he wouldn’t toe the Party Line. Peace be Upon Him.

  • Still don’t understand the “need” for another PIO. Must have some pretty good relationships to get that gig.
    Won’t be a mystery who’s “behind the curtain” now since he’ll be working directly for the far-left commissioners.

  • What happened to “what’s his name”, his predecessor? Retiring with a big county pension??

  • The Gainesville Sun is owned by Gannett Co., Inc.:

    “In April 2022, a committee of Gannett editors made the formal recommendation that newspapers in the chain should significantly pare back the opinion material that newspapers traditionally publish on their editorial pages, including editorials, op-ed columns, syndicated columns and editorial cartoons. According to the company-wide memo, “Readers don’t want us to tell them what to think. They don’t believe we have the expertise to tell anyone what to think on most issues. They perceive us as having a biased agenda.” The memo additionally claimed that editorial content is the least-read content in the papers while being the most likely reason someone gives for cancelling a subscription.”

    If you get paid to spread unfiltered leftwing propaganda, it makes sense to crawl your way out of an organization that is reducing its signal (the Gainesville Sun) and ooze your way into an organization that is increasing the output of propaganda (county government).

    Keep going Jake, you are right over the target as usual!

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