Homeless man arrested after allegedly saying he would kill everyone at E. University Wawa


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Steven Carl Mills, 63, was arrested late last night after allegedly causing a disturbance at the Wawa at 1007 E. University Avenue and saying he would kill everyone.

At about 10:40 p.m. Saturday night, Mills, whose address is listed as GRACE Marketplace, allegedly used profanity with employees and customers of the store and said he was going to kill everyone. An employee told him he needed to leave the property, and Mills allegedly refused to leave and said he would kill the employee.

When a Gainesville Police Department officer arrived, she reportedly saw Mills standing on the north side of the property, waving his arms around. Another officer reportedly saw Mills refusing an employee’s request to leave.

A search incident to arrest reportedly produced a glass pipe and a brillo pad with an unknown burnt substance.

Mills has been charged with trespass after warning and possession of drug paraphernalia. He has no local arrests but has convictions in St. Johns and Hillsborough Counties; he has served two state prison sentences, with his most recent release in December 2016. Bail information is unavailable on weekends.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Between the rap music-guns-bath salts crowd allowed to run wild and the disGRACE criminal drug addicts, that Wawa sure has a lot to put up with. It closes at 10 p.m.; maybe that had something to do with why he was upset.

  • Lights are on in Gainesville; unfortunately, leadership isn’t home.

    Ward is probably hiding in his house, that’s the best place to take this idiot. Let Ward get a feel for what many experience.

  • Our only saving grace is for the state to take over GRU cut out the GFT so the city will have to make budget cuts like Market place and their other woke ideology

  • Ah geez, poor Wawa didn’t do their research before coming to District 1.

  • These stories continue to make me glad I don’t live in Gainesville. 7 miles from the Gainesville City line and it’s peaceful, rural, and a lovely place to live.

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