Homeless man arrested after squirting ketchup around restaurant
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Matthew Jesus Duffany, 47, whose address is listed as St. Francis House, was arrested early this morning and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest after allegedly squirting ketchup all over open containers of food while restaurant employees were trying to close.
Gainesville Police Department officers responded to a call at about 2:00 a.m. regarding a man who was reportedly flipping furniture and squirting ketchup inside a restaurant at 201 SE 1st Avenue while employees were trying to close up for the night.
Employees at the restaurant told the officer that Duffany came to the front door, and an employee told him that he couldn’t come in because they were closing. The employee said Duffany went inside the restaurant and started squirting ketchup into open containers of food. Employees said Duffany then tried to steal a soda from a cooler inside the restaurant, and when he was confronted, he started flipping tables and chairs. After flipping a table and multiple chairs, Duffany allegedly tried to squirt ketchup on the ATM. An employee reportedly held Duffany down until an officer arrived.
The officer reported that Duffany grabbed a fence rail and tensed up while being handcuffed, and he eventually had to be taken to the ground. Two other officers had to help handcuff him. The officer also wrote that there were several other calls that night in the downtown area, complaining that Duffany was being disruptive and causing damage at multiple businesses.
Duffany has been charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest without violence and has been released from the jail. He has numerous local convictions for misdemeanors and municipal ordinance violations going back to 2005.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
They should let him pitch his tent at Poe’s house.
He’d make a wonderful neighbor.
We don’t commit parietals to mental hospitals. They are just arrested and released. That helps no one.
First thing… The report indicates that… “The officer also wrote that there were several other calls that night in the downtown area, complaining that Duffany was being disruptive and causing damage at multiple businesses.” So, why was he still on the street at 2:00 a.m.?
And with “numerous local convictions for misdemeanors and municipal ordinance violations going back to 2005” why was he released from the jail ??
And finally, Jen… Please try to lead the news with some nice, happy stuff. When that picture popped up on my screen, I threw up my breakfast oatmeal !!!
He’s not a SFH resident, they don’t allow his kind. Stop keeping these people here, they cannot get real help in a college town. It’s cruel to tease them for decades a and use them to get donations and gov’t grants, while GRACE admins live high on the hog. Fact.
It sounds like it was Relish. People trying to close busy restaurants late at night don’t have time for Poe’s criminally insane vagrants. The new commission needs to put a halt to the Guaranteed Income program (for felons) that is broadcast on CNN and MSNBC and probably attracts more dirtbags here every day.
Something tells me this guy couldn’t tell you what day it is. Definitely looks and sounds like he needs a mental health evaluation once he serves his time for his crime but he’s probably already been released and back on the streets tho, HIDE THE KETCHUP!
He could just be on bath salts (MDPV) like half the other vagrants in this town. It will make you temporarily crazy, especially if you kinda are anyway.
Mr Peabody would definitely know.
Burnout city.