Homeless man arrested for attacking another homeless man
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – George M. Hansen II, 57, was arrested yesterday and charged with battery on a person over 65 after allegedly attacking another homeless man.
At about 4 p.m. on Monday, a Gainesville Police Department officer responded to the area of SW Archer Road and SW 40th Blvd, where Hansen, who is described as homeless in court documents, allegedly attacked another homeless man following an argument.
The officer reported that Hansen and the victim, whose listed address is GRACE Marketplace, were arguing over a cigarette lighter when Hansen grabbed the victim and threw him to the ground. While the victim was still on the ground, Hansen allegedly got up and then kicked him and stomped him in the back and neck. Hansen reportedly left the area in a wheelchair, and officers reportedly found him about 200 yards away from the scene of the attack.
A witness told the officer that Hansen took the victim to the ground and kicked him in the side, back, and head and that the victim was unarmed. Another witness reportedly said that Hansen had been yelling at a group of people on the corner and then attacked the victim without provocation. The victim is 65 years old.
Post Miranda, Hansen reportedly admitted kicking the victim in the stomach, back, and head, but he said the victim had threatened him with a knife.
Hansen was charged with domestic battery in 2008 but pled to a different charge. He has one felony conviction (violent) from 2021 and two misdemeanor convictions (none violent). Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $50,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Fighting over the lighter is different usually they fight over and roll around on the ground over French Fries. Kinda like rats and pigeons. It’s disgusting what the local government has let the county become.
Not “The County” ….. The city !!!
The only thing disgusting here is how you’ve dehumanized homeless people and blamed local government for what is quite obviously a problem that society as whole has been unable to solve lol
Escape vehicle was a wheelchair?
If he can fight he can work.
He should be banned from the Dis-Grace Playground. I guess lighter for cigarettes, but how can he afford them.
Wouldn’t you think our leaders will take all this crime committed by the homeless in consideration before they bring more of them here?
The way Americans have SO much hatred and disdain for homeless people while simultaneously being a couple of bad months away from becoming homeless themselves is laughable.
I have a lot of compassion for legitimately homeless people who have jobs and just can’t afford rent, food, etc. I have no compassion for people who have been offered help over and over and will not change their behavior of abusing drugs or alcohol and not working but begging for money on the side of the road. You can only help people that want help. If they don’t want our help to improve their lives they should move on because we are tired of their abuse of our systems and the taxpayers.
You’d think after 1990 and a homeless man Danny Rolling killed raped and mangled 5 college students they would be less welcoming to homeless here. 🤡
pretty sure he did those things because he was a psychopath, not because he was homeless
Carry a pack of smokes with you and when you see a group of them toss a handful of cigs among them and enjoy the donnybrook.
Ladies and Gentlemen,,,
(Clears throat)
My colleagues and I in the field, have in fact brought forth some very in depth studies, observations, and dissertations on “The Hood Rat” phenomenon plaguing our community.
Some weeks ago, we observed a hood rats nest by the McDonald’s at I 75 and Archer. Some measure of authoritative figure has sense erradicated the nest.
However, based on this article, it would appear the species is still in the area.
The article states, Ie. in layman’s terms,
an altercation of Hood Rat versus Hood Rat.
Much like stray male cats, the hood rat will often get drunk, and fight other male members within a small local colony. (2 or more)
It appears as if it’s a “dominance” behavior, however my colleagues and I must do more observations in the field to render a factual conclusion.
I will conclude today’s lesson by suggesting that everyone is to remain observant and very vigilant whilst driving in traffic on SW Archer rd nigh Butler plaza, & Celebration Point region. Albeit there is obviously some authoritative organization enforcing the removal of the rats nest themselves, the “Hood Rats” are still among us, and more prodominently in this SW Gainesville region….
Thank you for your time, and when more information becomes available we will happily share our observations…..👍