Homeless man arrested for breaking into BMW dealership, stealing jackets, putting merchandise into large piles
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Tamario Anthony Mayze, 23, was arrested last night and charged with burglary after allegedly breaking into BMW of Gainesville, putting on two jackets belonging to the dealership, and placing merchandise worth $2,700 into two large piles.
Gainesville Police Department officers responded to the dealership at 2853 N. Main Street at about 9:30 p.m. last night and reportedly saw Mayze walking around inside the building and standing next to one of the large piles of merchandise. He was reportedly wearing two jackets that belonged to the dealership.
Mayze allegedly broke into the closed business and gathered the merchandise, including car keys, uniforms, keyboards, and vehicle battery chargers, into large piles.
Post Miranda, Mayze reportedly said the building was locked when he arrived, and he pulled on doors “until it opened”; he said he was homeless and broke in because he saw food inside the business and that he stole the two jackets. He reportedly declined to answer questions about why he had placed a large amount of merchandise in piles.
Mayze has three misdemeanor convictions (none violent) and seven dropped charges, including two felonies, over the past two years. Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $25,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
I guess he missed the free meals at Grace, and other homeless shelters. Blaming hunger as a reason to break in and steal $2700 worth of non food items. Maybe his criminal background is the reason he can not get a job or just maybe he chooses to be waste of life. Why didnt Harv and gang offer up their homes, personal property and free food to these unfortune souls? Oh I forgot do as I say and not as I do.
I always think car dealer when I’m hungry.
All he wanted was a Footlong BMW with extra cheese.
Fat Harvey and his Commission are total failures in keeping Gainesville safe. Even the disillusioned voters of Wokesvilles do not deserve this feckless administration’s carnage,which they excell at. Rampant crime is ridiculous and unacceptable. Time for the Governor to remove them from office.
Well…., Here is my unsolicited opinion. 🤣😆
When he figured out that he needed to download a BMW App to make the jackets get warm, he gave up.
GPD, My Hands Are Up!!!
Because not even the charging equipment couldn’t draw enough from the scrap yard to pay for it. 😄
Remember the jitterbugs that stole that gun from the car getting detailed at BMW. 😂
BMW twice this year, Zaxby’s, Publix, Circle K, That Tire/Wheel joint next to the Clock….
The SAFEST place to be on North Main at any given time I think is Harbor Freight Tools.
Because ain’t nobody gonna rob ya for something you gotta work with.
People can do their own unofficial background checks when hiring people. You’d have to be a fool not to. The Dollar General embezzler was on NE 16th Ave, by the way (close to Main).
23 y/o male, probably dropped out of school, living on the taxpayer gravy train. Won’t go to school or work to learn a trade. The expected result of liberal government largess.
WTF, didn’t the dealer donate enough to GRACE with their taxes and GRU bills?
And WTF how was the creep gonna carry all that mercy away, steal a SUV too maybe?
Seems like a really high bail for two jackets and trying to tidy-up the place by putting everything into a nice neat, organized pile. Judge Jaworski must drive a BMW.
Now he really ain’t gonna GET A REAL JOB. Just wow!!!!!
$25000 for not even leaving the premises? Cmonnn iveseen $5000 for someone with a gun or shooting at people. This system is so broken