Homeless man arrested for causing a disturbance at McDonald’s


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Orra Phillips Evans, Jr., 64, was arrested yesterday and charged with trespass after warning after allegedly causing a disturbance inside the McDonald’s on Archer Road after previously being trespassed.

A Gainesville Police Department officer responded to a call at about 8:35 p.m. that Evans, who is homeless, was causing a disturbance inside the restaurant and yelling at customers. Evans was previously trespassed from the business on January 12, 2023, for one year. The officer made contact with Evans in the parking lot of the restaurant.

Evans has convictions in three cases since 2020: one case of trespassing and resisting arrest, one case of petit theft, and another case of trespassing. A sworn complaint was filed in October 2022 after Evans allegedly picked up and took a wallet that had been inadvertently left behind by a previous customer at the Circle K across the street from the McDonald’s; he was also charged with violating a trespass order at the Circle K. A warrant for his arrest was issued on January 6 after he failed to appear at a court hearing in the petit theft case. Bail on that warrant was set at $2,000; bail on yesterday’s arrest has still not been posted.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • It’s a shame that the mayor and city commissioners don’t have to deal with this if they went to their homes a few times they may think about being an open arms city look back at the number of arrests that are homeless

      • From my post you should be smart enough to figure it out since your not i will explain it to you I vote to get Common Sense people in office that understands the dangers of having Grace Market place and hopefully one get rid of it

        • Meaningless gesture from a meaningless man living a meaningless life. Voting doesn’t tangibly do anything.

  • I think the city should start a program for the homeless like they have for cats…
    Catch and release. If they’re rapists or sexual offenders, snip and release. Just release them in front of Poe, Ward, Saco, Santos, & Arreola’s homes. There’s plenty to go around and they have expressed such concern I’m confident they’ll welcome them in.

    They turned on the “vacancy” sign, let them deal with the grine and crime in their own front yard. After all, I’ve always been a believer in cleaning up your own yard before cleaning up someone else’s.

    • Catch him & give him a shave & haurcut…the filthy dirty crazy bum.
      Then a ticket outta town on the hound back to where he came from..

  • OK GPD you done busted Santa’s little brother. Now go for Mr. Claus himself. You be famous.

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