Homeless man arrested for stabbing woman in the face
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Finnex Dorian Comic Jackson, 31, was arrested early yesterday morning and charged with aggravated battery after allegedly stabbing a woman in the face several times.
Jackson, whose address is listed as GRACE Marketplace, allegedly stabbed the victim in the face multiple times, causing several deep lacerations, at about 6:40 a.m. yesterday. The location of the attack was not disclosed.
Jackson reportedly turned himself in at the jail, still in possession of the bloody knife.
Post Miranda, Jackson reportedly admitted stabbing the victim but said she repeatedly asked him to do it; he said he blanked out and didn’t know where he stabbed the victim or how many times he stabbed her.
Jackson has one misdemeanor conviction from 2013 on a drug charge; Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $100,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
Here’s the tally since Saturday:
1. 3/25 Guy threatens everyone at Wawa.
2. 3/26 Guy stabs a woman in face.
Guess the common denominator is…nope, not black.
They’re both homeless. On the bright side of things, city leadership can toot their horns. The homeless have 2 things going for them; a free place to live, (even if one is a hospital or jail), and free healthcare.
It’s a regular progressive liberal Eutopia.
A convicted felon runs from the police gets dog bit everyone’s in a uproar
Now a law abiding citizen get stab in the face by a homeless person let’s have the same reaction suspended operation at market place have some protest demand the city do something about the homeless crimes against the taxpayers
Most homeless people have mental issues and are alcoholic because of the miserable life they leave the violence can only be solved by not getting though on crime but giving people the help they need with mental health and real housing not grace market place what you think it happens when you put bunch of homeless people together in a shelter that used to be a prison transformed in shelter exactly
That’s why it should be done a way with
Most homeless people I encounter in Gainesville don’t have mental health issues. They have work issues.
As in don’t want to.
They’ll never make it in a vampire sucking NGO-run college town. Never.
Shut it down NOW!
All the homeless at Grace are lazy, dirty, worthless, drug addicts & A-holes or nuts…They are responsible for their actions. Jail or bus them back to where they came from. Should be zero tolerance for panhandlers in medians and curfew at 10pm. No open containers. No sleeping on sidewalks or in front of businesses or bus benches.