Homeless man arrested for stalking

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – David Alec Summers, 44, was arrested early this morning after allegedly stalking a homeless woman and throwing a flashlight at a second woman.

At about 12:04 a.m. on January 29, a Gainesville Police Department officer responded to a campsite in the woods behind the electrical substation at 4303 SW 40th Boulevard, where Summers had allegedly gone to the victim’s campsite “for no other reason than to harass her.” A woman stepped between Summers and the victim in an attempt to get him to stop yelling at the victim, and Summers allegedly threw a flashlight at her, hitting her in the head.

A witness told the officer that Summers had been yelling at the victim and had thrown a flashlight at the second woman.

The officer noted that he had spoken with Summers on January 5, when Summers allegedly went to the victim’s campsite, knocked things over, and caused a general disturbance. He allegedly went into the victim’s tent without being invited, and the victim reportedly said he had been following her to the store when she didn’t want him to. The officer reported that he told Summers to stop following the victim and to stay away from her campsite, or he would be charged with stalking. Summers reportedly said he understood and left.

On January 23, the same officer went back to the victim’s campsite in response to a report that Summers was damaging the victim’s property. He said he found Summers inside the victim’s tent, but he had not damaged anything. The victim was not at the campsite but reportedly said she had not given Summers permission to be in her tent. The officer reported that Summers left after he was told to stay away from the victim’s campsite.

On January 28, Summers allegedly became angry with the victim for talking to another man near the intersection of SW 40th Boulevard and SW Archer Road. Summers allegedly punched the victim and then followed her, yelling threats to harm her. A different officer responded to that incident, but Summers had left, and no charges were filed at the time.

Summers was arrested early this morning after the most recent incident. Post Miranda, Summers reportedly said he threw the flashlight because the woman was shining a light in his face and he could not see. He said he went to the campsite because the victim was supposed to give him a blanket.

A sworn complaint has also been filed against Summers for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he allegedly threw a rock at a tent on November 11, 2024, hitting a victim in the head, and then stood over two people, holding a large rock and saying, “There is going to be a homicide tonight,” “Have you ever been to the trauma unit?” and “I will kill you.” He has not been booked on that case.

Summers, whose address is listed as GRACE Marketplace, has two felony convictions (non-violent) and 11 misdemeanor convictions (one violent). Judge Meshon Rawls set bail at $20,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Surprise surprise surprise. Some peeps are out on the skids because they can’t live under the same roof with other peeps. Trump will start sending them to 3rd world countries soon, just watch lawyers and cry. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • You are not even a person. Just a sucking hole full of hate for people not white and full of lies. I bet you die alone, they won’t find you for weeks, friendless and unemployable as you are. One of these homeless people has more humanity in them than FIVE MAGA FASCISTS

  • I am so confused. I wish no harm to anyone. If you are camping, perhaps in a tent on private property uninvited or welcome, are you protected to be in an actual home with trespassing laws in place?

    • I don’t see where trespassing was mentioned in the article. I believe this was about stalking and assault which in that case police can tell a person to stay away from somebody, wherever they may be.

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