Homeless man arrested for throwing trash cans and other objects into the roadway
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Matthew Lawrence Fuertes, 31, was arrested overnight and charged with disorderly conduct.
Fuertes, who is listed as homeless, was arrested by a Gainesville Police Department officer at about 3:45 a.m., following multiple reports that he was walking down W. University Avenue from the 1000 block to Main Street, throwing objects into the roadway; the objects included a metal trash can lid, eight trash cans, a trash bag, and a rental scooter. Fuertes was also reportedly yelling and cursing.
Post Miranda, Fuertes reportedly said that he threw trash cans into the roadway because he was upset that his wallet was stolen.
In July 2022, Fuertes violated a court order in Leon County to not have violent contact with a neighbor; he was eventually found to be incompetent to stand trial and released to outpatient mental health treatment. The status report filed on December 30, 2022, indicated that he was a no-show at his weekly case management meeting and was non-compliant with his treatment plan. Fuertes also has a criminal mischief charge pending in Leon County. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $1,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Susan Miller Jones never dissapoints letting criminals out for pennies.
Can’t say I’m surprised. Gainesville has the lights on and he saw them all the way from Leon County. Tie him up with the others to Poe’s front porch.
Before the bleeding heart liberals start crying that he needs help with mental issues, that was discovered and placed into effect. “He was a no-show at his weekly case management meeting and was non-compliant with his treatment plan.”
Can’t fix what doesn’t want to be.
Turn GRACE into an inpatient mental hospital where people are committed for treatment. That’s probably what it should have started out as.
Probably won’t ever be compliant
WTF are people like him forced to live in college (or gumment) towns, where the mental health career quacks know they’ll have NO improvement? And that means their quack clinical NGO taxpayer funding will always be “needed” perpetually?
These treatments and patients should be moved OUT of Gville and Tally, pronto! Anywhere else would give them a chance of success. They have no chance competing with students for housing and jobs, surrounded by drug dealers and bars.
I hope you never need mental health counseling Jeff, it would make you homeless. Think about how stupid this solution sounds.