Homeless man charged with raping tentmate


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Matthew Keaton Schneider, 20, was arrested yesterday and charged with sexual battery after his tentmate accused him of raping her after she told him to stop.

The victim, who had shared a tent with Schneider for about three months, told a Gainesville Police Department officer that she and Schneider had consensual sexual intercourse, then he wanted to have sex again, but she told him she didn’t feel well. She said he ignored her when she asked him to stop.

Schneider was reportedly located near the tent and was arrested for an active local warrant for failure to appear at his arraignment on a charge of cashing a fraudulent check. He was then interviewed about the accusation from his tentmate.

Post Miranda, Schneider reportedly admitted to having sex with the victim twice. He reportedly said the two of them had been smoking “weed and molly” together, and the victim had told him she “was stuck,” which the officer translated as “paralyzed from narcotics.” Schneider reportedly said the victim fell asleep, and he got on top of her because he thought she would enjoy that; he said that when she woke up, she said she didn’t want to have sex, so he stopped about 30 seconds later. He reportedly admitted it was a mistake to have sex with the victim while she was asleep.

The bail amount for the sexual battery charge is unavailable, but Schneider is being held on $6,000 bail for failure to appear in the fraudulent check case. Bail was also set at $2,000 for failure to appear in a shoplifting case, and charges have been filed in a second shoplifting case.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • WTH is an able body 20 year old doing living in a freaking tent. Get a J.O.B.

      • Not all jobs test for drugs in Gainesville. If they did, about half the G-ville population would be unemployed.

  • By now we should have a large enough population of eunuchs in Gainesville to be self-sufficient.

    Put them to work, there’s lots of road repairs needed.

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