Tupelo H: DeSantis’ GRU takeover

Letter to the editor
Updated at 4 p.m. at the author’s request to fix the bill number.
Governor Ron DeSantis has appointed all five members to the Gainesville Regional Utilities Authority board, which met for the first time on October 4. Four of the members do not live within city limits and all were placed without public notice, breaking requirements under HB-1645. DeSantis’ takeover of GRU is illegal—and could be disastrous to Gaineville’s clean energy prospects.
DeSantis has denied climate science and required Florida cities to continue fossil fuel usage. Most of his appointed members have no experience in the utility industry, while one has close ties to the oil and gas industry. We don’t know what decisions the board will make—but we do know that now is the time to scale up our investment in renewable energy, which is quickly becoming cheaper than fossil fuels. We are in the midst of a climate crisis, and Florida is particularly vulnerable to climate impacts such as increased temperatures and stronger hurricanes.
As citizens, we must hold the board accountable if they make moves against Gainesville’s commitment to becoming 100% renewable by 2045. Residents can attend and make comments at GRU Authority’s monthly public meetings, held every first Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at the GRU administration building.
Tupelo H., Gainesville
The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AlachuaChronicle.com. Letters may be submitted to info@alachuachronicle.com and are published at the discretion of the editor.
Is this letter writer pointing out that the City of Gainesville is breaking Florida law by having a resolution promising to be 100% renewable? Odd that they didn’t mention that while listing the ways DeSantis allegedly violated HB 1645.
Which law does the resolution violate, exactly?
It’s linked in the letter: https://gizmodo.com/ron-desantis-signs-a-bill-that-mandates-cities-keep-usi-1847176182
Ah yes, the law signed by DeSantis himself, retroactively “banning” resolutions like Gainesville’s. Party of small government huh? We can only hope renewables will outcompete fossil fuels. What then – do you want DeSantis to actively subsidize a failing mode of energy production?
As a customer of GRU I believe it is their fiduciary duty to provide me with the energy I need at the lowest possible cost. If “renewable energy” is the lowest cost option, then fine. But I am sick and tired of paying one of the highest utility rates in the state for something everyone admits will have next to ZERO impact on climate change. Please inform us how charging us much higher rates for “renewable” energy will impact climate change SIGNIFICANTLY. Everything I’ve read has indicated negligible impacts.
If they’re allowed to follow the same reckless path there won’t even be a GRU by 2045.
The climate cult strikes again
Some questions for you Tupelo: How old are you? How many full-time jobs have you held? Have you supported a household? Have you ever had a GRU account in your own name that you paid for from funds you worked a job to earn?
I get that kids like you have been indoctrinated to believe 100% in “renewable energy” and that existence is going to end if we don’t convert, but you all almost never consider the cost to regular working people. And, of course, for you all it has to be a certain type of energy, right? For example, nuclear is clean and cheap, but, oh my goodness, we couldn’t use that, could we?
I encourage you to take a little time and to actually look into issues before you get so emotional about them. Do an honest cost-benefit analysis before you start telling people who work for a living how they should live. And best of luck to you in life.
The answer to your questions, according to a quick Google search, is that she is a 2023 high school grad whose dream is to study “climate psychology” and “environmental justice”. In other words, her entire education to date has been a pointless waste of resources.
Since she has never paid a power bill in her life, she is ignorant of the fact that GRU bills have more than doubled in the past few years due to the disastrous, unwanted, and failed woke climate policies of the city commissioners going back to Pegheen Hanrahan.
She is also ignorant of the fact that people who don’t live in the city of Gainesville, and thus don’t even get a say in the election of the city commissioners, are forced to pay for these exorbitant prices due to the blatant thievery of city commissioners that drove our utility $1.7B into debt. How is is moral to steal from these people without representation, Tupelo?
The citizens of Gainesville and GRU ratepayers overwhelmingly favor the state stepping in to remove control from our corrupt local politicians. By casting her lot with them, Tupelo has demonstrated that she is just as unethical as they are. “The ends justifies the means” is the mantra of all these self-obsessed climate frauds. They don’t care that ordinary people are suffering because of ill-conceived and impossible standards like the failed 2045 Kyoto protocol.
The world needs many things right now, but one more useless climate change grifter is not one of them.
Hell in a few years she could be the mayor of wokeville she has the woke mind set
You’re probably right, still sucking on her parents’ teats until she can get a real job. She appears far more ignorant in more ways than you’ve mentioned.
Guess that’s what happens when you’re taught to believe what they tell you instead of using one’s own common sense and reasoning skills.
Well said GNV Dad. Greta Thurnburg (sp?) looks like Damian from the Omen. The devil is hiding behind the environment trying to push for one world government and make Hell on Earth. I would rather be free then live inside the guilded cage of a tyrannical government. The WHO and WEF and the UN can go to Hell. Shwab said “ the pandemic was the perfect cover to implement the great reset”…all these futurists want to reduce the population of the planet. Have faith in god.
Memo to Sherman: There is a black UN helicopter over your house right now. Better hide under your tinfoil hat for the rest of your life to be safe. “They” coming for you. Run!!!!!
Could you get rid of the beginning of your post? I understand need for free speech and all, but the beginning of the post could actually put her in danger for someone much more extreme. Not the whole post, but if you could please please PLEASE just edit the first part of your comment, please. I agree with you entirely, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want to potentially put her in harm’s way just because she doesn’t understand. She’s a kid and she doesn’t know what she’s talking about yet. Get rid of the information about her place of residence and the Google search thing, please. I understand that they could just look it up themselves, but please.
You all will have also read that I care about having empathetic conversations. This letter did not reach the audience I had in mind, but at first I figured that would be an opportunity to gather more perspectives. I care about affordable rates and didn’t touch on this in my letter as it was to my understanding that Gainesville already made a plan to reduce GRUs debt: https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/local/2023/04/14/gainesville-commission-approves-plan-to-gru-debt-by-315m/70110673007/#:~:text=The%20city%20of%20Gainesville%20will,residents%20to%20reduce%20its%20budget.
I was curious to listen people’s thoughts on this plan’s advantages and disadvantages, what plans the new authority board has, and how we can ensure both a healthy environment and affordable rates.
However, all these comments have been incredibly disrespectful and unnecessarily attacking me, so I am no longer willing to engage in any discussion as it will not be productive.
My comment to you was neither disrespectful nor attacking.
If by “Gainesville” you mean the city commision, they had no plan to reduce the GRU debt. In fact, they had entered into a ridiculous solar contract which was going to increase GRU’s debt before they were replaced. The commission caused the debt in the first place with the biomess debacle, a project which the citizens were told would start paying off by 2019. You should look into all this before you recommend to everyone what should be done.
I think that most people would agree that we should protect and conserve any resource, but there must be a cost-benefit analysis. Regressives never seem to want to be bothered to do that.
Again, I wish you well in life. Hold whatever beliefs you want. Just try to be honestly informed about them.
@Sick of Regressives I didn’t realize you started the thread – I was referring other comments. I agree we need to protect our resources and be thoughtful about cost. I am doing research and thinking deeply about my opinions, and constantly adding more information. I appreciate you understanding the importance of that, even if we don’t agree. Thank you for your good wishes. Hope you have a great day!
And hey, if your real intention here was to measure the psychological response to climate change communication, then your letter was genius! 🙂 You have acquired some valuable data.
The City never had a plan to reduce the debt until our Governor appointed the board. Then the plan they proposed was a complete farce. Sorry if you got you feeling hurt but your letter looks like the Mayor/Commission wrote it.
Good by
The GRU board was deliberately created and implemented to correct past decisions made by those who think just like the person who wrote this article. Thanfully GRU will have a board whos primary goal will no longer be getting GRU to 100% renewable energy. It will instead be fiscal responsibility and answering to those who are members if the utility. People love the idea of clean renewable energy……..but they love low rates even more. Its time to abandon the fantasy of 100% renewable energy. The city tried it and it failed in utter disaster which resulted in 1.7 billion in debt…..and growing. Maybe one day it may happen, but now nor in the near future is that day. Now is the time to reduce the present debt, reinvest in the company in order to reduce long term costs, and remind the customers that they are what matter……which is most importantly to lower their rates.
If you think this board is responsible and accountable to the residents of Alachua County, then answer this: Who appointed these people?
I want CHEAP energy. If that means putting coal ash in the sky so be it.
I’m done with this renewal energy bs.
Suck it up buttercup. Gainesville is done with it too.
There is not a chance that “Renewable Energy” is cheaper than any carbon based system. How much energy does a solar panel create during the time that the sun sets and rises? That would be 0 watts. How about we try geothermal in florida … oh woops … you just created a sinkhole. We can dam up some rivers right!?? Oh nope the “greens” don’t like that either … hmm we could burn wood like we were cavemen! Yeah lets try that … woops that is actually more dirty than burning coal.
Look up Energy Density and then tell me again how renewables is going to help …
Energy Density can be defined as the total amount of energy in a system per unit volume.
One other aspect of “renewable energy” hypocrisy/fallacy is the input energy required to manufacture the solar panel, windmill, etc., in the 1st place.
For example, manufacturing solar panels requires more energy than the panel produces in its 30-year lifespan. That manufacturing energy is generated by PRC coal plants which have zero emission controls, and are being constructed at a rate of 1 plant per week!
This is a myth: https://solarcraft.com/solar-energy-myths-facts-2/#:~:text=MYTH%20%231%3A%20Solar%20panels%20require,generally%20less%20than%204%20years.
Correction: HB 1645
Never mind, I had put the wrong bill number and they just corrected it for me. Thank you!
Are you high? You are blissfully unaware of the real world and have nothing valuable to offer. Get a life.
The “crisis” is the idiocy you left wingnuts have by trying to impose your thoughts and opinions on the rest of the population. By the way, how well has “holding the City Commission accountable” been working for the majority of the community? Higher utility rates, higher taxes, more crime – don’t know anyone who gave their support for that. Maybe you?
To fuel the BioFiasco trees have to be cut and burned. How exactly is that helping the climate? Better go get with Hutch and do a group hug with that big oak down by the river before it gets cut.
Pretty easy to determine what “hose” the author is sucking on.
My comment…. One get the number right, two do the research rather than listening to you convoluted friends that obviously like to lie to get what they want. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Tupelo, There is no such thing as climate SCIENCE; only opinions, and the left has been wrong EVERY TIME since 1970. You obviously know only talking points and not facts. BTW, of ALL of the city commissioners in the last 20 years, very few have any business experience and none of them have real economic knowledge, power generation knowledge, or what their responsibilities are as public servants are to the citizens of Gainesville.
We don’t have commissioners. We have professional activists leaching off the taxpayers.
None of the current group could hold a job in the corporate world.
🐂💩 DeSantis may just save the utility and the city from bankruptcy. F this renewable/green energy crap.
The board can’t possibly do any worse than the delusional morons who have run GRU into the ground. Renewable energy is a crock. Burning down trees to make electricity – that’s demented hillbilly “science” – not people who ever belonged in charge of a city. That’s why you (a kid) are the only one saying what you are. There’s no Easter Bunny or Santa Claus, either.
Clean energy is the most important action for climate change! Florida needs to step up its game. Good job Tupelo for all that you do. You’re changing the world while these ‘deniers’ are just sitting around not wanting to do what needs to be done.
Another one. Just curious, which iPhone do you have?
You have an iPhone, or a Samsung, or a Google. Don’t be all high and righteous because if you’re poor enough to not be able to afford one, the climate crisis knocks YOU out first, and others that can’t afford it, not the percentage that can. Don’t be a jerk, or a hypocrite. Either way. They can afford clean water, you’ll be the first that can’t.
Indeed! We need to build two or three dozen nuclear reactors with all due haste.
@Anthony, what is “Clean Energy”?
Are you aware of the input energy required to manufacture solar panels, windmills, etc.?
I’ll throw you a bone. Manufacturing solar panels requires more energy than the panel produces in its 30-year lifespan. That manufacturing energy is generated by PRC coal plants which have zero emission controls, and are being constructed at a rate of 1 plant per week!
“Manufacturing solar panels requires more energy than the panel produces in its 30-year lifespan.” This is a myth: https://solarcraft.com/solar-energy-myths-facts-2/
This is a piece of craftsmanship! All of the negative comments I’m seeing are those you’ve outraged with the sad truth- sometimes denial and ageism get to us. Who cares what her background is, it’s your future Tupelo, and you get a say in how we live it! Don’t let the negativity get to you, you’re doing amazing work and I’m sure there are plenty of people like me who were enlightened and just didn’t leave comments. The 2% is always the loudest.
I’m sure you’re one of those “got mine and I’ll protect it from you getting yours.” I love the progressive liberal hypocrisy, they’re so good at shouting it the loudest. Wonder who pays your electric bill.
As someone else mentioned, why do progressives hate nuclear power? It’s almost limitless power, clean until the fuel needs to be changed, (like a battery in an EV), and it provides employment. You people don’t want to fix a problem, you want to create new ones. Until there’s a viable source of renewable energy, stop trying to push it on the rest of us. I don’t need someone who’s still using their parent’s credit card trying to instill their “wisdom” on me.
The critical line “Until there’s a viable source of renewable energy, stop trying to push it on the rest of us” says it all.
Yes, another participation trophy for Tupelo. It truly is all about your feelings. Never worry yourself about thinking. Oh, also don’t worry that the City has taken out more than $68 million dollars more than GRU earned from 2017-2020.
Hey Tupelo: you will own nothing and be happy…that’s your great reset. The planet earth is fine, don’t worry. I bet you wear a face mask and are for Vax passport too.
Turning Gainesville 100% renewable is folly and will make us all vulnerable to higher costs. Soon these people will demand we turn off our AC and less driving in a car you can not afford. Next we’ll be asked to eat insects. I don’t trust their judgement or what they have in store for us.
The writer no doubt is part of the 3% who elected the clowns who ruined GRU. Now upset because the People found out.
Tupelo probably believes in Biomass, Electric vehicles,and Windmill power. Those fantasies will get you fired. Just ask Harvey
Don’t forget Pixie Dust and Unicorns. Even the third World is rejecting this so called renewable pipe dream. Too expensive and it does not work when you they need it the most. Somebody like Jim Gordon is laughing all the way to the bank.
Until every leftist gives up their vehicle of any type. And anything made of plastic to include your shoes, because they all contain plastic, not just plastic straws. I will listen to them. Why because what is used to make plastic crude oil. Also please only buy food that is grown locally. Nothing that requires it to be transported.
How do suggest Gainesville becomes is using 100% renewable energy by 2045? Being committed to something doesn’t mean they actually have a viable plan. Those are just meaningless words that sound good to voters.
All the “renewable” and “climate” and “future” aspects are irrelevant to the core issue.
If GRU charged only what it needed to run the utilities, there would be no problem. However they collect more than they need for operating costs and contribute that to the Gainesville general fund.
That means that a significant number of customers who are not residents of Gainesville are forced to pay for benefits they do not receive. That is injustice.
I do agree with the poster’s complaints about personal attacks, though. Learning you were wrong is hard enough; the extra abuse just inhibits future productive dialogue. Let’s try to be a little kinder.
Agreed. There are legitimate concerns about the cost to your average customer (no matter where they live), and then there are the unhinged reactionaries who see anything related to climate or renewable energy and immediately resort to “FOSSIL FUELS ARE THE ONLY OPTION”, abandoning all logic and concerns for the future.
GRU and the city commission call the biomass debacle renewable energy? Keep them away from that cash cow!
Helen Warren went to Tallahassee earlier this year and told the JLAC committee that the biomass plant was the greatest thing they ever did (or something close to that). The city commissioners and mayor will never voluntarily decommission the biomass plant. They are so proud of their great accomplishment.
My current GRU bill is $573.38 while my September GRU bill was $396.76. Prior to these two bills I had never paid more than $350 to GRU in a given month with most monthly bills being at or below $300. Pathetic! This is why smart GRU customers applaud the takeover of GRU from these City Commission crooks.
For whatever reason, right wing nuts like to blame “woke” policies of the city commission for the ridiculously high rates we pay for GRU.
The truth, which isn’t as great at pressing the hate buttons that ignite the right, is that the city has simply been using GRU as a slush fund for decades.
Sure – the city also got bamboozled (more than once) into all the biomass plant BS which shackled us with more debt/high rates. I believe that palms got greased for the sleazy deals the politicians and GRU management signed, and that it was more about the grift than anything else.
But the annual “transfer fee” the city was able to demand from GRU each year = millions annually and that money was added to our bills. Now they’ve thrown hundreds of thousands more – of tax dollars – trying to fight the state’s takeover. They’re blind to the fact that their fiscal irresponsibility is what lost them control in the first place.
Good letter Tupelo, and typical for most commenters here, the facts you base your letter on are ignored or denied without proof, and personal attacks – none of us actually know you, or each other – offered as counter arguments. This is a signal for the weakness of their position.
The facts you offer, which are not in doubt are:
1. The “board” appointments are illegitimate by the very law which Clemons and Perry rush through the legislature to achieve their hostile takeover, and are wasting their time and ours by pretending they aren’t. Anything they decide will ultimately be ruled irrelevant.
2. Climate change is not debatable, with the only disagreement from a very few outlier climate scientists on it’s severity. It is declared fact by the American Association of Science, all national academies of science in the world, and all relevant scientific organizations in the world, with none in objection.
Keep voicing your viewpoint – you are not only right, but are the future and our hope.