“I do solemnly swear at you interlopers…”


  • You forgot the part where he Harvey also says “I praise our wokeness and hope you all die”

  • Thanks Jake! Let’s see if Lard-arsed Harvey will be able to tighten his belt a little since his gravy boat has sailed away.

    Maybe once they get a look into the financials his boat will sink – with him onboard.

  • Pretty bad when my 3 year old saw this and asked where’d Bryan go mom…

  • When all else fails and it seems to dark to continue, Fuller comes through to brighten the day!
    Thanks Jake.

  • Responsible public servants would fight this clumsy and slip dash hostile takeover and defend the control of city property from carpetbaggers. Jake is too dumb to get what’s happening.

    • And only an ignorant lemming would continue to endorse local leaders and give unending fealty to those who continue to bring financial hardships on their residents.

      • Guest, I have not once endorsed any local leaders on this issue or others, I endorse democracy, ownership, and the rule of law.

    • So Jazz, the truths of Jake’s comics really hit a nerve with you. If you can’t admit the governor’s new utility board credentials and brainpower doesn’t put Fat Harvey and commissioner’s to shame you are the dumbest one. Fact check that!

      • Captain, perhaps you don’t believe in the principles of ownership (the city created and owns GRU), democracy (GRU for better or worse is run by leadership selected by it’s owners), or the rule of law (none of these supposedly fine men occupy their positions legally) but I do.

        That’s a fact. Effectively everything they do should be and probably will be nullified by virtue of the fact that they do not have legal authority to act, and that is by the law written by the same idiots who initiated this hostile take over and those pretending to act under it – the preoccupied (at best) or stupid (at worse) governor or these unprincipled ( at worse) or stupid (at best) board members who you are a fan boy of..

        • Last I heard , the feckless Mayors and Commissioner’s past and present created the need for new governance. Yes ,they have made their mark on State of Florida history. Another failed 1st for that bunch. Next on the City agenda should be another round of purging fat heavy management as well as Law and Order.

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