
“I hope you had a baby in there and I hope it died”: woman arrested for kicking police officer in the hip

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Santoria Nichelle Smith, 18, was arrested late last night and charged with resisting arrest and battery on a law enforcement officer after allegedly kicking a female officer in the stomach.

A Gainesville Police Department officer responded to a call about a domestic disturbance at about 11:30 p.m. last night, but Smith had left the incident location before the officer arrived. The officer reportedly saw Smith walking down the street and got out of her patrol car to speak with her. Smith allegedly walked away from the officer, who determined that it was necessary to detain her because of the criminal investigation related to the domestic disturbance call.

After “some back and forth,” the officer told Smith she was detaining her and grabbed her wrist. Smith allegedly pulled away and continued walking away. The officer eventually got Smith into her patrol car, and Smith asked to be driven back to the incident location. Once there, she reportedly demanded that the officer let her out of the car, and the officer reportedly said she would not do that because Smith had threatened multiple times to punch her in the face.

After backup arrived, the officers decided to arrest Smith for resisting without violence, but when they tried to remove her from the car to handcuff her, Smith allegedly grabbed the interior of the car. After they pulled her out, handcuffed her, and placed her back into the patrol car, Smith allegedly kicked the female officer in the hip, just below the stomach. On the way to the jail, Smith allegedly said, “Yeah, I kicked the f*** out your stomach” and “Oh, and I hope you had a baby in there and I hope it f***in died.”

Smith has no criminal history. Judge Walter Green set bail at $6,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • This F’ing green is a dam joke for a judge assaulting a police officer and only 6.000 bond the bitch needs 1 year in jail

    • 1 year in jail would simply create more problems in this young woman’s life and she would come out on the other side even more unstable and violent. And then you’d be complaining in the comments a year from now when she does something worse. She’s young, and clearly troubled. She needs support and guidance, not prison. Prison takes young people like this and essentially guarantees them a life of more pain and suffering.

      • Spoken as a true left winger why don’t you invite her into your home help her with guidance as i said the bitch needs a in jail

        • I didn’t realize that someone having a little compassion and empathy for another human being automatically qualifies someone as left wing. So you’re implying the opposite to be true as well? Being a heartless and hateful person automatically makes you a right winger?

        • GOD FORBID; How on earth you call this young trouble African American teenage girl, the “F” word. Do you call your on that word, or if she was Caucasian? Besides, why would the police women stop this young girl from walking home away from so called trouble, without identifying her, and telling her why she stopped her? She didn’t hurt, or kill anyone; The women officer stopped her on an assumption. And again if she was Caucasian, the young girl wouldn’t have been stopped by the white police officer. Police, are stopping and arresting and killing innocent people of color, especially our African young men, on an assumption, all most every day, and be telling lies, that their lives was threatened; the devil is a liar. How long shall our people suffer evil works of white supremacists police officers, been killed by the so called United States law enforcement, and get away with it. All they care about is how many people of color they are going to arrest, or killed?
          Our Lord Jesus going to get you for your evil works of satan; hating people because of the color of their skin, abomination before God!

      • Just the looks make me afraid to the point that she is troubled. She need to be evaluated and get the help she need! I can’t’ digest $6,000 bail and no respect for the LEO. .5 years for sure!🥲🥲

      • Maybe you can take her under you’re wing and provide her some guidance. Just remember when she kicks you or hits you just keep turning that other cheek.

        • I think people that police are such bad people should do their job. You should put yourself in their plàce. Not every police is a nice person. They’re human. They never know end of a shift if they are going home or not.

  • Woooooooooooooow.. she looks like she has alot of therapy to go to.. baby girl has some demons 😈

  • 6000 that is it?! This is what is wrong slaps on the wrist no accountability, set free for acts of violence… the corruption in this town runs deep!

    • Donald has been so many times and nothing has been said nothing is wrong with this world .be glad the lady did not kill the so called hateful child something had to make her that angry. why are you so angry?we have not seen nothing yet. in florida any body can carry a gun. if i was not from here i certainly would not come here. stop teaching the people to HATE.

  • That’s the problem. Some people think that police officers are customer service reps. She’s going to learn to talk to authority. Life’s not a Lil Boosie or Da Baby video..

  • Parents need to start teaching their children to respect others and that they are responsible for themselves. No one else is responsible for your behavior or actions.

    • Pretty cruel to do to an 18 year old dontcha think? And I’m sure by calling her animal; you meant to call her a _____

    • Do you really think you’re any better? Calling for the death of a young woman? You’re vile and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    • Terrible, you would say something like that. I wonder what your perfect past would tell us. Only an animal would ever speak like that!🤨😡

  • She needs someone to give her what she wants & that is a good ol fashioned a$$ whooping! She will walk up on the right one, 1 day real soon!

  • Y’all all sound dumb!! There’s always more to the story y’all can kiss my 🍑

  • Yeah she was wrong and it was ugly what she said. But she a child just turned 18.
    Instead of putting her down pray for her, y’all don’t know what she going through. Damn

    • the comment section on this website is always filled with vile, hateful racists. no compassion or grace whatsoever for this young woman, though most of these hateful bigots will claim to be Christians.

  • Yep jail time for you,disrespectful ignorant child.
    How dare you kick an officer let alone wish she was pregnant so her child could be harmed.
    I wonder about this young one’s raising. 🤔

  • Did she kill or harm anyone ijs All the hateful comments trump left us with OH PALEASE!!!!!!!! Find a more serious situation to drag about y’all fools make me sick on this internet

  • She needs prayer! She looks.like she had demonds in her! I hope she gets the help she needs before she really messes up her life for real! First you don’t talk to the law like that and for sure you don’t kick her.no where on her body! Ĥer parents have failed her in so many ways 😒. Their are some many parents out here beening the children friends instead of being a parent…

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