“If it makes you feel any better…”


  • You call this a “cartoon?” Really offensive to anyone who has been a victim of violence.

    • Just imagine actually Seeing videos of Gainesville police officers laughing at Our Plight, It’s Fun they said, and I have the videos.

      • Until you look and witness death and trauma, and what human being are capable of doing to others you have no idea what cops, military, and EMS personal have to endure. Laughter and making light of something that is a human response to something that is gross and disgusting to look at. People who see this on a daily basis need to be able to cope with the horrors. Doctors and nurses see the same crap and deal with it in similar fashion. Every cop or EMS person I know along with Military and with hospital staff fry thuet best to keep their reactions to horror away from the public eye. What you never see is the depression, tears, and anxiety these people go through also. They can’t share the horrors with their family members they rely on co workers to cope.

      • 😂👍🏻😂👍🏻
        You’re doing more than the panhandlers and bums who’ve been invited by those leftists too. Personally, I’m glad to see it.

  • I think Ward’s more disappointed there isn’t food under that sheet than he is with the corpse being there.

  • All the illustration is demonstrating is the attitude and empathy that the leaders in this county show towards victims of crime in this county. They do not care. They demonstrate it by low bond, andmismanaged policies about letting violent offenders live and roam the streets. There are no cities and states without crime without crime but when you have city, county, and state government working harder at keeping violent offenders out of jail there is a problem. Ward and other liberals in this county continue to misconstrue their talking points about empathy and accountability with cuddling and passing the buck into the next person. None if them will ever say it’s my fault.

    • Can you expand on your statement:

      “but when you have city, county, and state government working harder at keeping violent offenders out of jail, there is a problem.”

      Please share your evidence of that.

      • Turn the news on. Its everyday. Recent Murder at Georgia University. Illegal trespassers under lax immigration laws. Locally how many shooting, acts of violence have occurred where convicted felons, people on probation, released on low or no bail have turned around and committed more violent crimes. Open your eyes to reality that is unfortunely to common locally. It s because of local judges and state attorneys making poor choices (if not deliberately) to appease some idiot liberal agenda. The last few days of stories on this page prove that.

  • I am beginning to suspect that Mr. Fuller has lost respect for Mayor Harvey and his Wallbangers. What a shame.

    • Two types of respect, one is earned and one is gained by position. Harvey hasn’t earned any and his results as mayor hasn’t done much to warrant giving him any either.

      • Can they do something about the vagrants? We need a new city manager!!!! We should make the magazine that we are the toughest city around and have zero tolerance for vagrants & their associated crime. I would rather have my tax money go to closing Grace mkt and bussing bums back to where they came from instead of the public school commi face diaper indoctrination system.

  • The City Commission and their administration made it miserable to be a cop in Gainesville. Back when Poe and Company spit on FOP during that contract arbitration hearing, it was beginning of end.

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