Information session for Tom Petty Park improvements to be held July 17

Press release from City of Gainesville

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The City of Gainesville’s Wild Spaces & Public Places program and the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department will be hosting an information session on improvements at Tom Petty Park. The meeting will include a presentation by Kimley-Horn Gainesville, engineers of the park’s upcoming improvements.

Tom Petty Park Improvements Community Information Session
Library Partnership Branch
912 NE 16th Ave.
Wednesday, July 17, 6 – 7 p.m.

Planned park upgrades include removal of the existing racquetball courts; the addition of eight dedicated pickleball courts; seating areas with a pavilion and site furnishings; a pedestrian entrance from the Northeast 16th Avenue crosswalk; re-routing the multi-purpose trail for ADA accessibility; renovating and enlarging the restrooms; upgrades to the landscaping; and code-required modifications to the park’s stormwater management basins.

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