“It was won by disinformation, misinformation, and outright lies”: Alachua County Commission moves forward on ballot referendum for at-large districts after 12 people bring up the issue in General Public Comment

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – After 12 people spoke during General Public Comment at today’s Alachua County Commission meeting, the board voted to move forward with a ballot referendum that would overturn the 2022 referendum instituting single-member districts for County Commissioners.
During the noon General Public Comment period, Lizzie Robinson Jenkins led off by saying that “voting this year is important if we plan to save our democracy.” She said, “When SMD – small [sic] member districts – was forced on the Alachua County ballot in 2022, voters were not given a full picture of what impact it would have… Black voters were told a ‘yes’ vote would, and I quote, ‘protect our voice.’ I don’t need anybody to protect my voice… I now know thousands of voters in Alachua County will have no voice in this coming Alachua County Commission election.”
Since only three districts are on the ballot this year (and so far Chuck Chestnut is unopposed in District 5), Jenkins said, the voters in the other two districts will not cast a vote for a County Commissioner this year: “Their voices have been silenced.” Jenkins asked the board to “move forward with placing a referendum on the November ballot.”
Dr. Shayna Rich said she’s “relatively milquetoast about a lot of the voting issues, but the thing that really gets me going is when I feel like it’s not fair, when it’s based on disinformation and misinformation, it really upsets me a lot… So it’s a case where dark money sent out misinformation flyers in the final two weeks of the election, at a time when there wasn’t the ability to correct the mistaken impressions, there wasn’t the option to educate people further, because we didn’t realize it was going to be a case of misinformation.” She asked the board to put a referendum on the ballot and said they could ask Supervisor of Elections Kim Barton for “some wording we’ve proposed.”
Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson also spoke in favor of a ballot referendum to reverse the vote that changed the County Commission to single-member districts. He said, “At-large representation… just makes sense in a place like Alachua County… It was only when the legislature forced it onto the ballot and then ran a disinformation campaign that the thing got where it is… The fact that the legislature felt no compunctions about just putting it directly on the ballot should be informative… Just put it on the ballot. You can do it – and then it’s up to the voters, you all don’t even have to take a position on it, because it may be difficult in your situation to do so.”
The 2022 referendum passed, 51.48% to 48.52%.

Evelyn Foxx, Chair of the Alachua County NAACP, held up a 2022 mailer and said her organization “worked very hard, and we spent a lot of money trying to educate people. But it was just too short a time when the Republicans put out this ballot [sic] with Rodney [Long] and Chuck [Chestnut] and the NAACP emblem on it. Now, we do have an attorney who is looking into suing whoever it was for disenfranchise of the NAACP name; they did not have permission… Give the citizens of Alachua County an opportunity to vote, and they can decide, not two or three people that represents us to Tallahassee… We urge you to please put this back on the ballot.”
[The mailer held up by Foxx is discussed here, along with information from the local NAACP press conference that was called to address it, information from the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund site, and a pro-single-member-district resolution passed by the NAACP in 2018.]
Susan Bottcher also asked the board to put the referendum on the ballot, saying, “I think it’s time for us to do it right. I think it’s time for us to support what we know to be real representative democracy, and that’s where our representatives here on the local level – that’s you – put a referendum on the November ballot that will allow us to have that honest discussion between now and November about what the difference is between single-member districts and at-large districts and the impacts on people’s voices in this county.”
Iris Burke: “In November, we will have the abortion referendum, we will have the marijuana referendum, the City Commission will hopefully have the GRU referendum… This is the time to do it.”
Iris Burke said, “In a lifetime of political work, I thought I was hardened to dirty tricks, but what happened around this referendum is, I’m going to say, the worst thing I’ve ever seen, where a group that called itself the Social Justice PAC… They were nothing about social justice. But there are people for whom the word ‘social justice’ means something, and they were trying to trick those people.” She also recommended putting it on the November ballot “because in November, we will have the abortion referendum, we will have the marijuana referendum, the City Commission will hopefully have the GRU referendum… This is the time to do it.”
Bobby Mermer, Coordinator of the Alachua County Labor Coalition, said his organization supported putting the referendum on the November 2024 ballot. He said he supported “at-large districts, given the unique distribution of Communities of Interest in Alachua County.” He said they “expected a fair debate on the merits of single-member districts versus at-large districts [in 2022], and we were just ambushed by this information. They did not play fairly.”
Bill Radunovich also supported the ballot referendum, “so we can have a real debate on this and so that local people can have a real say in how they’re governed.”
Faye Williams spent most of her time speaking about a different topic, but she added her support for the referendum.
Jeffrey Shapiro supported the referendum, saying that its passage was “likely due to the money spent by the Republican PAC,” Rep. Chuck Clemons, and Sen. Keith Perry. He continued, “They will be out of office in November… African American voters are likely to be disadvantaged by [single-member districts] due to their wide population distribution.”
Rep. Yvonne Hinson: “It was won by disinformation, misinformation and outright lies… So our people need to know they were duped and our people need to have an official voice in whether or not they want single-member districts or not.”
Rep. Yvonne Hinson came in at the end of General Public Comment and added her support for the referendum, saying, “It really needs to go back on the ballot so that our local citizens can give their opinion about single-member districts. The way we had it, you guys represented all the people; I think we want you to represent all the people. It was won by disinformation, misinformation and outright lies… So our people need to know they were duped and our people need to have an official voice in whether or not they want single-member districts or not.”
After public comment, County Commissioner Anna Prizzia made a motion to “move forward with referring the single-member district issue to staff and bringing back to us the details of how we put that on the ballot and get that moving.”
After some discussion, she changed the motion to “remove single-member districts and put at-large voting back, to change our charter back to at-large districts.”
During public comment on the motion, Mermer suggested putting a deadline on the staff response so they didn’t miss the deadline to get the referendum on the ballot.
Prizzia amended her motion to request that the information come back by the May meeting.
Commissioner Ken Cornell said that since the single-member district referendum passed, “the folks in my district are very upset… because they do not have a voice in this upcoming election… For those in other districts that have spoken to me, they have expressed amazement that they can only vote for one… And so it’s very disheartening, and many of the comments that I heard today resonated with me and things that I heard during the 2022 campaign and since then, so thank you for making the motion to support it.”
The motion passed 4-0, with Commissioner Marihelen Wheeler absent.
Ceasefire resolution
Ten people from Alachua County Health Care Workers for Gaza also spoke during General Public Comment and asked the board to pass a resolution supporting a ceasefire in Gaza. Prizzia said to them, “I stand with you; I believe that we need to end the violence in Gaza immediately. I made the motion to bring forward the first ceasefire resolution, and I would support us talking about it again, but I believe that we’ve had that substantive conversation, and we have the will of the board.”
Chair Mary Alford agreed, saying that the board discussed the ceasefire resolution on January 9 and January 23, and “for us to bring it back again, I would look for a motion from one of our commissioners that voted against it, because both of us have supported it previously.”
Cornell said he supports a ceasefire in Gaza and he “signed that petition, but I do not believe it’s the role of this board to take a board position, so I do not support putting it back on the agenda.”
Oh my! The vote did not go their way so let’s do it again. The county commissioners are upset that their seats are in jeopardy. We, in smaller cities, finally have a chance at having someone in office who will listen to us. I’ll be very interested in how they can have a “re-do.”
Everyone should file ethics complaints with the state on all of the County and City Commsioners. They have no ethics, just a hunger for power and money.
Here is the web site for filing an ethics complaint. There should also be a lawsuit filed against the Alachua County Commission for the disenfranchisement of rural citizens. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.ethics.state.fl.us/Documents/Forms/Complaint%20Form.PDF
Linda J, I thought the same thing. These democrats are whining because they didn’t get their way. The NAACP are going to sue? LOL. They just have to get their way come hell or high water.
Yes I agree with Kenny Cornhole the people are stupid and even though they voted for this he knows what is best for the ones he rules over. That and the fact he would lose in a primary says it all.
The liberals will be resurrecting the dead and stuffing the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes in this election.
The poisonous snake that is the current county commission is writhing before (hopefully) meeting a mercifully abrupt single-member-district end. “Save our democracy” is prog speak for “stamp our authoritarian foot” on the citizens’ necks.
Amidst this intricate plot to subvert the democratic process, we must not overlook the upcoming election for the esteemed position of Supervisor of Elections. There is much to be said about the matter at hand. It is evident that Gainesville, lacking the necessary competence, is ill-equipped to govern itself, let alone the outlying rural districts.
Gainesville doesn’t govern the rural areas. The County Commission does. Only two commissioners live in Gainesville.
Nope, I want someone who is willing to listen to me because I have a better chance of being heard, hence my vote.
Truth Be Told, in theory you are right. The real story all of Gainesville is voting. Thus in essence they are controlling those seats and what happens or not in the rural districts. That is wyrrhy SMD Bill was passed. Rural areas hqad no say in what was happening to them. The volume of voters in Gville overwhelmed the vote.
That’s right, we don’t care what you rural voters want. You’re the minority.
A minority has the right to be heard.
We feel that same about you… you are the minority in our red state! We love driving 25-35 miles into town with our Diesel trucks and big SUVs giving you thugs the middle finger all day every day!
Each voter gets one vote. You seem to be complaining that there are more Democrats than Republicans in Alachua County. I’m afraid many on this page will be disappointed by the November election results when they learn that each of the single-member districts also has more Democrats.
Then what exactly are they crying and worried about?
There is little to no doubt that there are more people dependent on elected thugs and other peoples money than those of us that have little to no use for government thugs and simply want to keep more of what we earn and be left the he(( alone!
However, if the thugs you vote for were so sure, they wouldn’t be worried about rural areas having a voice!
Don’t sleep on the 40,000 or so Alachua Co. registered voters who aren’t affiliated with either party. We see how disgusting both parties are but we also notice the insane lack of decency and the rampant mental illnesses that runs deep in the Dem party. We all see it guys…everyone does…and it needs to be stated.
The County Commission doesn’t represent the rural areas, only liberal and needy Gainesville.
That’s a bunch of BS. Why don’t you and every other fascist republicans move away and leave Alachua to the Democrats. Go live in Marion county where you’ll be most welcome
That would be interesting. 3/4 of your law enforcement and fire services will leave too. Good luck. This place is a dumpster fire.
Those “crackers” they’re feeding you must be pretty good with that cream.
I am pretty sure this “vote” is fascism at its finest…note the lack of Republicans and the attempt to subvert democratically enacted legislation to simply hold on to power.
Fascism is an authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by dictatorial leadership, centralized autocracy, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy (Blacks have their place under the democrat roof), subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race or political ideology, and strong regimentation of society and the economy (again, Blacks have thier place under the democrat roof).
I think Paulie is off his/her/it’s meds! Liberalism is a Mental Disorder and Paulie reeks of it.
funny, using that fascist word to describe people you disagree with, might want to get a dictionary. seems like those on the left are closer to that. especially lately.
We will do as we please! You trash can kiss our rear ends! You trash should leave our red state!
Almost every Dem run city in the entire country is a dumpster fire right now. Because of your FAILED POLICIES. The only thing dems care about is more power to feed themselves and their machine. People are finally starting to wake up. Look what Seattle is currently doing, reversing their own failed experiment with legalizing drugs. You people just don’t get it, you’re DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY. We are going to take it back, but the choice is yours on how. I’d prefer the “by any means” part myself….
Actually, blue states are generally economically stronger than red states, which are more dependent on federal dollars.
You can look at that several ways. Two of which are as a percentage of budget or per capita. Florida is on the low end as a percentage of budget and receives the least per capita. We also don’t tax our citizens at the state level with income tax.
While you only tell halve truths, the real story is that the Blue run cities in these red states are what causes the red states to appear in list more than blue states.
Top 10 States that are reliant on Federal dollars and the party affiliation
1 New Mexico, Blue
2 West Virginia, Red
3 Alaska, Red
4 Mississippi, Red
5 Montana, Red
6 Hawaii Blue
7 Vermont , Blue
8 Louisiana, Red
9 Alabama, Red
10 Wyoming, Red
Top 10 neediest cities and party affilliation
Detroit, Blue
Brownsville, Texas, Blue
Fresno, California, Blue
Gulfport, Mississippi, Blue
Cleveland, Blue
Laredo, Texas, Blue
Jackson, Mississippi, Blue
Corpus Christi, Texas, Red
Little Rock, Arkansas Blue
Augusta, Georgia, Blue
Paulie…tisk, tisk. That’s not very nice. That’s not a very inclusive, willing to live in peace with your neighbor in a diverse community thing to say. I’m shocked that you would banish an entire group of people from a community because they believed differently than you. Replace republican with any other description and let someone else make that statement. You would eat them alive. But yet here you are…Paulie gets to name call and demand their own radical utopia because they feel validated. Nice. Kumbaya, Paulie…kumbaya.
Definitely an option, need to move on from the SOE that wears inappropriate attire to precincts and then sues because she trips in High Heels.. or doesn’t provide enough ballots to precincts for an election.
And in the next election, the people voting in this election “won’t have a voice”. Can these commissioners be that dishonest or are they just that stupid?
In the last two elections, everyone in the county could vote for all five commissioners. In this one, 40% can’t vote, and only 20% can vote for each of the three running. I preferred it when I was represented by all five commissioners.
By that logic, we should all be able to vote for all US Senators.
By that logic, we should be able to vote for both Florida congressional senators, and we do. 40 of the 67 counties have at-large commissions, and a whole bunch are Republican majorities. The same dark money consultant who did the Alachua County campaign also did a campaign in GOP-led Sarasota County that fought against single-member districts. This is clearly a power play to subvert the will of the majority. Sounds rather Trump-ish, don’t you think?
Actually it sounds more like Arabella Advisors.
Then why do these same supporters prefer single member districts for the City Commission. They are speaking out of both sides of their mouth.
only reason is because they now a majority of the City Residents are brainwashed. not so outside the city limits.
The city is a hybrid as it has both single-member and at-large seats.
You prefer it when LW Co Ckro aches can be elected by LW Co Ckro aches in the city limits! You people always run your sucks about caring about the minority… only when that minority is a slave to your plantation! You hypocrites are pathetic!
Were you really represented by all the commissioners or were you represented with the party you align yourself with? Are you happy with how they represent you on road issues? Are you happy that they have committed to destroying our transportation systems through neglect?
The at large method led to all commission seats won by liberals, disenfranchising the thousands of conservative voters in the country. When at large voting disadvantaged Blacks, they fought it with great vigor. Now that at large voting favors liberals, it suddenly is just and holy.
We know the people who vote for them are.
Let’s’s ask commissioner Alford about the outright living outside her district salary repayment to taxpayers.
Man Democrats really are the true racists. They think so lowly of black people that it is flat out disgusting. They are basically saying that black people are so dumb that they all voted a certain way because of one flyer that may have contained misinformation. They beleieve these black people have no ability to discern and figure these things out on their own. Thankfully most Republicans don’t see people like this.
Is that why fascist racist republicans suppress the black vote in southern states? Who do you think you’re kidding.
You mean like when the racist state of Georgia enacted their election integrity law and voter participation actually increased?
The real racists are white liberal democrats who believe black Americans are too stupid to cast a vote and need their white saviors to tell them who to vote for.
Remember, if you didn’t vote for Biden, “you ain’t black.”
You left wing scum do the EXACT thing that you accuse others of! That’s the reason no one with a properly functioning brain believes a word you wastes say or type!
Why don’t Democrats want to verify voter’s eligibility? They’re afraid most are convicted felons? They stopped accepting “marks” years ago? There’s only so many people who can live in a one bedroom apartment? There’s not an address for bus stops and park benches? They’re afraid they’ll lose their majority if they have to take deceased off the rolls?
Pick one.
Speaking of disinformation, why does the local NAACP management take a position counter to their national organization?
Because they’re largely democrat and thus have no integrity.
Excellent news! Now the fascist republicans will never get power in Alachua County.
Want some coffee with that cream?
Remember, if you didn’t vote for Biden, “you ain’t black.”
We own the state government! You anti American LW thugs haven’t held state power since 1998!
Its not about getting power, It is about SHARING power you panty waisted twit
No… you LW vermin think you should be able to control every aspect of our lives! You scum figured out we will not comply throughout covid you complete waste of O2
Why would the District 1 leaders want their influence diluted by countywide at-large representation? They want the opposite in state and federal districting, even gerrymandering…🤡💩👹
As usual, Dems are their own worst enemies. More voters in 2024 will favor Single member, more *democratic* districting. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
This action was brought about because a dozen activists brought it up at a meeting, it wasn’t on the agenda as required.
I wonder if we could get 2 dozen to show up if our voices would be heard? I’ll answer that – no.
Hinson and her constituents don’t realize she’s got 4 white people making decisions for them who only claim to being close to black people is the location of their seats on the dais and the neighborhood they pass through to get to work.
As did the City Commission by voting on a non agenda item, (adding GRU takeover to August or November ballot), and multiple people, just happened to be there to speak and support it. You can’t make this stuff up. Crazy!!
It should be concerning to all that Hutchinson, who served as a commissioner, is instrumental in the continued attempts at the subversion and undermining of prior voters’ decisions.
Any thoughts as to who he’s pledged his fealty to?
A reasonable and fair discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of single member districts can and should be had, but it is a clear and unarguable fact that we did not have that in the last referendum when blue Alachua County was targeted – again – by the state GOP.
Keep in mind that most Florida counties do not have single member districts, but only blue Alachua County was targeted for change by the red legislature. This was partisan politics, not political reform and just another piece in their successful attempts at dismantling our counties voice in the legislature, and with the GRU farce and the SMD referendum, meddling in our local politics. F..off.
If you can make a sound argument for why SMD are good A. for you personally and B. for the county as a whole, make it here. But cut the crap about how crooked this commission is on this. They owe it to their constituents to be sure that fair discussion is had. It was squelched last time.
Touchy this morning? Why don’t you and Hutch go have fun with those 4 x 4s you’ve been playing with for years? Just make sure you round the corners and watch out for splinters.
One question, would you claim foul if all of sudden the commission became all red with one swift vote, and no blue commissioners existed on the board? I think you would be screaming corruption, and its Trumps Fault, and its Gov Ron’s fault. There is no way you would sit on your hands and keep your mouth shut giving everything you comment on. Just saying
Eastman/Jazzy, you asked for it, you got it…
I disagree with you, but I do appreciate the putting forth of a coherent argument without ad hominems.
It has already been decided. If you are too depressed about it, anyone is free to travel to Canada to be put to sleep for a long nap. But we don’t care and don’t want to hear any more about it.
A reasonable and fair discussion was what people seemed to want. But apparently they weren’t the correct people because the charter review commission largely populated by the local nomenklatura killed it.
And it would be good to have a discussion about what the local NAACP leadership was promised for going against the policy of their national organization on the matter.
Before the NAACP sued Miami-Dade County and won, they had at large districts. After the lawsuit, Miami-Dade switched to single-member districts. A commission that had been devoid of ANY minorities suddenly became majority minority. Why do you think so many counties in southern states went to at large districts? Precisely to prevent Black representation!
Jazzman is it? Well as many times as Single Member District petition drives were done and taken up to the BoCC, I would say that 15 years is plenty of opportunity to know what one is voting for. You really do promote bigotry thru low expectations when you suggest this was a new issue and no one had the opportunity to “learn” about it
On the Gaza ceasefire, that’s not the commission’s responsibilities, nor something that they have a mandate on. No one elected them for their international political beliefs. They will not be speaking for the county.
If any ceasefire was requested, it should not be solely addressed to Israel but to the leaders of Hamas and it’s soldiers to lay down their arms and come out hands up, and for the people of Palestine to turn them in.
So Lizzie Robinson Jenkins, Dr. Shayna Rich, Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson, Susan Bottcher, Iris Burke, and even Rep. Yvonne Hinson all believe that local civil rights leader Charles Chestnut and the national NAACP chapter were racists who were trying to silence black voters?
That’s shocking and disturbing information. If only we had known that before naming a street after Chestnut! Hopefully we can count on local Democrat activists to tear the signs down.
The NACCP led the charge for Miami-Dade County to switch from at large to single member districts. You know what happened? A Commission that had ZERO Black and Hispanic members suddenly became majority Black and Hispanic. At large districts have been used historically in the south to PREVENT Black representation. But here in Alachua County is all about the Marxists ruling. We are becoming Brazil and Venezuela!
So, you contend that the GOP operatives that pushed this had a burning desire to see more minority representation on the County commission? That’s hilarious.
Maybe Stafford Jones should apologize for his too cute by two little “campaign” that crapped all over the county.It was destined to cause this reaction and blowback.Mr. Jones was warned but his narcissistic ego wouldn’t allow her to consider the possibility she was wrong.
He is a cancer in Alachua and I’m a Republican.
This part bothers me: “so far Chuck Chestnut is unopposed in District 5”.
You Republicans whine “we can’t get anyone elected, we need single member districts.”
Well you got them. Crammed upon Alachua County by Clemons and dirty tricks flyers.
One thing, whiny Republicans. You cannot get a Republican elected if you don’t pay the filing fee and RUN SOMEONE FOR THE OFFICE.
If you do not have a R on the ballot for EVERY office in November, it proves you are just whiny hypocrites.
We’ll wait and see.
A very cogent point.
To add to your point, everyone complains about the process here and not at the county/commission meetings. As mentioned by a previous commenter, the influential few do show up and very easily get heard. I’m not oblivious to the very defeatedness of R in this deeply held D county/city, but if you don’t start NO ONE WILL. It would be nice to one day live in a well managed Alachua County, but in its current state, I’ll stick to Levy.
Two of the three up for reelection have no GOP challenger so far.
Commissioners here really fear a true vote based on the people electing a certain person. At Large means the majority can control all the small districts, and you may be without any representation of your area. It is possible that 9 people living in the same building with a certain agenda could be elected as the majority want those people, not the people they would represent if an area had a voice. Almost all cities have Wards, Districts, etc. to vote for, areas that person should represent. Alachua does it differently, concentrate the liberal, leftist power in any manner. Let the people vote for THEIR representatives, someone who is their neighbor at least living in that district. Typical in this area, GRU through Gainesville doesn’t want 1/3 of their customers to vote, just shut up and take the high rates.
40 out of 67 Florida Counties have county commissioners voted in “at-large.” Most have GOP majorities. There are no “small districts.” The population in each district is about the same.
Here is the web site for filing an ethics complaint. There should also be a lawsuit filed against the Alachua County Commission for the disenfranchisement of rural citizens. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.ethics.state.fl.us/Documents/Forms/Complaint%20Form.PDF
The image above has an image of Rodney Long, Charles Chestnut, and the NAACP. As a Latina I find it offensive that many blacks are still murmuring and boo hooing about being ‘marginalized or disenfranchised’ in a time where they seem to have more holidays, better chances to enter the work force and to also get scholarships for many schools, and so forth. There is even a real situation at the Senior Center of Alachua County where the lunch manager {who is black and now has a black assitant} gives extra congregate meals to; you guessed it, predominantly black patrons (the meals at the senior center are free for seniors that are registered) with a few minor exceptions. She has been known to be rude, brazen, and lazy. Furthermore; she makes exceptions as to ‘who’ she chooses to extend her so-called registration time for those wishing to sign up for these meals; while holding others to the fire. Meanwhile; even when various individuals have gone to management folk like: Jeff or Nick or Timothy, or Patrick; no one wishes to take it any further. If she had been any other race treating mainly blacks this way; there would be an uproar of some sort. Esta Latina voting Republican for certain!!!
Rodney Long, Charles Chestnut, and the NAACP can claim they are seeking the best interest of voters. But as most know; birds of a feather stick together. As a spanish-speaking person growing up in the hood [as most call it]; I have learned first hand that those that cry and whine the loudest about being marginalized or disenfranchised, are the worst at implementing policies that benefit all. Have any doubts, I invite you to see how a certain lunch manager at the senior center of alachua county hands extra meals to people she has a kin to and also allows them to take these meals home. Various complaints have been brought up to those in management; only to be ignored by them as they are being puppeted by the liberal organization they work for. Republicans will have my vote this time around!!!
Everything Dem zeitgeist says is “disinformation” is really the truth. They just can’t handle the people debating differing views to discover that truth the 3% tries to hide and control. 💩🤡👹D
I’ll trade them single member districts for term limits.
The Commies are upset again over free and fair elections!!