Jail inmate charged with cutting another inmate with a razor blade
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jermaine Torres Williams, 21, who has been in the Alachua County Jail since June 2021 on a first-degree homicide charge, has been charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon after allegedly cutting another inmate’s face with a razor blade.
At about 6 p.m. on Saturday, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to the jail to investigate an allegation of aggravated battery.
The victim told the deputy that Williams intentionally “swung” at him twice in his cell after he asked Williams about his missing hair product. He said that after the second time Williams swung his hand in his direction, he noticed a small razor blade in his hand. The victim said he felt blood on his face and sought medical treatment.
The report does not state whether the razor blade was found but notes that the victim’s injuries corroborated his statement.
Post Miranda, Williams declined to speak with the deputy about the incident. Williams, who was 19 when he was arrested, has a juvenile criminal history. He is being held without bond on the murder charge, and Judge William Davis set bail on the new charge at $75,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
almost 3 years and no trial
They’ll do a plea in a few months for time served.
He deserves immediate death
Not even a trial and found guilty first?
The murder he committed is on tape…but yet no trial
Seems a lot of folks forget all about that Constitutional thing called “innocent until proven guilty.” Me? I’m kind of fond of my Constitutional rights and realize that they must be applied to all.
Instead of razors maybe Nair should be used. They are in jail they do not need comforts or anything they can make a weapon with. But I do agree that this animal has been housed for three years and no trial yet doesn’t make a lot of sense nor makes me feel warm and fuzzy about our judicial system.
This criminal makes a good case for executions. He’ll never be reformed.
What happened to the “Code of Honor” between prisoners of not “Ratting” out other prisoners. I can’t believe it alleged victim should
have said “He cut himself shaving”.
Part of the culture of “you mess with me and I cut you”.
Would like to know where this slime ball got a razor blade? Alachua county sure has a lot of problems in the jail
Yes they do including death of unborn children
Obviously this young man has a lot of anger issues and was deprived of the things that he needed growing up in life that we call usual why would another individual want to make somebody bleed out to the point to where they die if there’s no medical attention. Young man you need day in and day out counseling until your life ends because something dramatically is chemically imbalanced. This person is very unstable and I hope that they keep him facilitated for life whether it be in a mental institution or a halfway house but he needs to be controlled for the rest of his life he’s already institutionalized from his traumatic childhood I’m assuming