Jones: Vote for Andrew Miller for High Springs City Commission

Letter to the editor

This letter is in support of Andrew Miller who is running for High Springs City Commissioner Seat #1 in the upcoming election.  

Andrew is a native of High Springs. He has organized several giveaways such as turkeys at Thanksgiving, gas cards, and community meals. His back-to-school programs, which include backpacks, free haircuts, gently used clothing, and food, are a huge success. He strives to support our youth.  

Andrew is a valuable member of the High Springs Chamber of Commerce. His official title is Communication/Economic Development, but his talents in event planning are remarkable.

He owns his business, Poetic Cuts. I Am Productions, a Christian-based theatrical production company, is very successful.  

Andrew is also minister of Spirit of Excellence, a local non-denominational church.

In short, Andrew’s involvement in the community is working with people. He hears the problems and wants to be a part of fixing those problems. Three of his goals are Infrastructure Management, Job Development for residents to make a living wage, and Youth Involvement.  

For those who say he is too young, it should be said that a fresh voice and outlook is needed on the commission.  

Go to his Facebook page for more information and contact information.


Bob and Linda Jones, High Springs

The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Letters may be submitted to and are published at the discretion of the editor.

  • It’s the only smart choice to make for High Springs. Ross Ambrose has abused that position and made a joke of our City. Andrew will serve this community with integrity and honor. It’s a nonpartisan race pick, Andrew Miller. We must not suffer three more years of Ross Ambrose.

    • You mention nonpartisan race, although Ross Ambrose has touted that HE is the democratic candidate. I have news for him, Andrew is a registered Democrat, however, it is a person’s qualifications that make the difference and Andrew Miller has INTEGRITY. I’m voting for Andrew Miller

      • Andrew is actually registered NPA – No Party Affiliation. You can’t get much more non-partisan than that!

  • As a local barber, Andrew sees people from all walks of life sit in his chair. Everyone talks to their barber / hair dresser about the happenings around town. Andrew hears and feels residents’ frustrations with the status quo and accordingly, took the brave step of asking for the opportunity to stand up FOR THE PEOPLE.

    Andrew’s work with the Chamber of Commerce has also given him up close exposure to the frustrations of our local business community. Mr. Ambrose himself has said that you must have a vibrant business community downtown. Andrew is plugged in to ALL of the businesses downtown and understands their needs and has a proven track record of supporting them through his work with the Chamber and their events. Take a stroll downtown this weekend and pop in to any of the local shops and ask business owners, who largely do not have a vote in town, who they support.

    Andrew Miller knows High Springs and will work in the best interest of ALL the residents and I encourage you to consider voting for him on November 7th.

  • He’d have my vote if I lived there……that’s for sure. Great read and a fine endorsement by two fine folks.

  • “Just one more thing”
    Let’s review those SUVs; even the most influential cities don’t dare flaunt such indifference to their taxpayers!

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