Juneteenth Freedom Walk, scheduled for June 17, canceled due to weather
June 16, 2023
Press release from City of Gainesville
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Due to the expectation of inclement weather, we have canceled the Journey to Juneteenth Freedom Walk. The decision to cancel was made out of an abundance of caution for our community builders, volunteers, and neighbors.
Currently, Freedom Fest (June 17) and Reaching Back to Move Forward (June 19) will both proceed as scheduled. For more information on those events, please visit https://www.gainesvillefl.gov/juneteenth.
Don’t care about “juneteenth”
You can still thank a white person for fighting for your freedom. They may have lost relatives during the war between the states. Union soldiers
Awww…no woke-walk, no gibz muh dat…Awww…😫😭
Common man! I’m still trying to deal with all the Pride month BS. Everyone’s a victim of oppression….especially me. I have to pay taxes to support all of their inequity pity parties.