Lawsuit against Parental Rights in Education Act to be dismissed; law remains in effect

Press release from the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis announces a major win against the activists who sought to stop Florida’s efforts to keep radical gender and sexual ideology out of the classrooms of public-school children in kindergarten through third grade (5- to 9-year-olds).
In 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis stood up to activists and extremists who mobilized to smear and stop the Parental Rights in Education Act. The Act:
- Prohibits classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in K–3 classrooms, and after 3rd grade, these conversations need to be age-appropriate.
- Ensures that at the beginning of every school year, parents will be notified about healthcare services offered at the school, with the right to decline any service offered.
- Ensures that whenever a questionnaire or health screening is given to K–3 students, parents receive it first and provide permission for the school to administer the questionnaire or health screening to their child.
Governor DeSantis signed the bill in April 2022. And, in typical fashion, the activists turned to the courts to stop the legislatively enacted will of the people.
Frequently carrying water for the activists, the media wrote countless stories lying about the intent, design, and application of the law. The activists carried these same lies into the courtroom—thankfully, to no avail.
Their judicial activism has failed. Today’s mutually agreed settlement ensures that the law will remain in effect, and it is expected that the case will be dismissed by the Court imminently.
“We fought hard to ensure this law couldn’t be maligned in court, as it was in the public arena by the media and large corporate actors,” said General Counsel Ryan Newman. “We are victorious, and Florida’s classrooms will remain a safe place under the Parental Rights in Education Act.”
Thanks to the leadership of Governor DeSantis, the law remains in effect, and children will be protected from radical gender and sexual ideology in the classroom.
Another win for the people of Florida, another loss for the twisted perverts and groomers attempting to prey on our children.
Demonic lawyers are Dems’ best friends, in so many ways. 🤔🧐🥺
Liberal Democrat’s heads must be primed to explode.
Best state in the USA thanks to our state government
Wow, liberals are a cancer. Law suits against parents rights? Freaks at it again.
I love our Gov.!
UH, here’s what actually happened and it’s not what lying DeSantis says in that stupid press release.
“ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Students and teachers can discuss sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida classrooms, provided it’s not part of instruction, under a settlement reached Monday between Florida education officials and civil rights attorneys who had challenged a state law which critics dubbed “Don’t Say Gay.”…
Under the terms of the settlement, the Florida Board of Education will send instructions to every school district saying the Florida law doesn’t prohibit discussing LGBTQ+ people, nor prevent anti-bullying rules on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or disallow Gay-Straight Alliance groups. The settlement also spells out that the law is neutral — meaning what applies to LGBTQ+ people also applies to heterosexual people — and that it doesn’t apply to library books not being used for instruction in the classroom.
The law also doesn’t apply to books with incidental references to LGBTQ+ characters or same-sex couples, “as they are not instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity any more than a math problem asking students to add bushels of apples is instruction on apple farming,” according to the settlement.
“What this settlement does, is, it re-establishes the fundamental principal, that I hope all Americans agree with, which is every kid in this country is entitled to an education at a public school where they feel safe, their dignity is respected and where their families and parents are welcomed,” Roberta Kaplan, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, said in an interview. “This shouldn’t be a controversial thing.”..”
Thank you, Jazzman, for dispelling a little of DeS’s propaganda which is always, for some reason, printed verbatim on this site.
Reporting the facts, and just the facts is journalism. What you normally consume is editorial content. The AC is a great journalism site.
Quoting the AP and saying “this is what actually happened” is presenting nonsense. Look no further than the APs failed reporting on Russiagate, Hamas-Israel, “Don’t say gay bill”, Jan 6th (UNARMED, UNCOORDINATED) insurrection (protest gone wild), Ukraine-Russia conflict, Biden laptop scandal, etc, etc, etc, for proof.
Enjoy your alternate reality Reckoning, but the Don’t Say bill is gutted.
Congrats Jennifer on this story going Viral! I saw that X handle AGHamilton29 and the conservative leaning news site Twitchy picked up the story.
It’s a press release from the governor’s office.
Yes, and BS. See above