Local law enforcement mourns GPD Assistant Chief Terrence Pierce


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Local law enforcement agencies have posted tributes to Gainesville Police Department (GPD) Assistant Chief Terrence Pierce, who died peacefully Saturday morning with family members at his side. Pierce joined GPD in June 2016 after 26 years of service with the Montgomery County Maryland Police Department.

GPD officers are authorized to wear badge covers until Pierce’s memorial service at 4 p.m. on Wednesday in the GPD Hall of Heroes.

Alachua County Sheriff Clovis Watson, Jr., also posted a tribute, adding, “We have the watch from here Assistant Chief Pierce.”

Alachua Police Department and High Springs Police Department also offered condolences.

On March 10, dozens of GPD officers joined a vehicle parade past Pierce’s home to show their support for Pierce and his family.

Screenshot from video on Gainesville Police Department Facebook page
  • Was this another ‘sudden death’ due to a jab? Prayers for the family and friends of this brave warrior.

    • We don’t really know what happened to officer Pierce, but evidence is mounting on the hazards of the mRNA JAB. The UK Government reporting system confirms that 1 in every 310 people died within 48 days of receiving the first COVID Vaccine Booster

  • In the age of COVID we wonder what suddenly and unexpectedly takes the life of our most qualified public servants. Asst. GPD Chief, Terry Pierce held a B.A. from the U. of Maryland in Law Enforcement and a M.S. degree in Public Safety Management from Johns Hopkins U. and was a recognized expert in the community policing. Officer Pierce will definitely be missed at a time when Gainesville needs career dedication the most.

    On the topic of sudden and unexplained deaths, Florida’s surgeon general, Joseph Ladapo is on record with an explicit warning about the hazards of taking Covid mRNA vaccines: “These vaccines have a terrible safety profile”… ” I’m not sure anyone should be taking them”. In response to published vaccine safety data revealing high incidence of death and injury, a “BAN THE JAB” resolution was penned by Dr. Josef Santone, a member of the Lee County Republican Executive committee (REC). The resolution was unanimously passed, asking the governor to ban the mRNA injections in the state of Florida. Collier and Santa-Rosa County REC’s and the “Florida Republican Assembly” have also approved the resolution and America’s Frontline Doctors announced their support – (National File) – https://tinyurl.com/48vfcumt

  • God bless and console your family and loved ones sir and may angels sing you to your rest.

    Thank you for your service.

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