Local students score big in State Science and Engineering Fair

Left to right: Abhith Kasala, Sophia Rong, Nathan Wei

Press release from Alachua County Public Schools

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – Alachua County Public School students scored big wins at the recent State Science and Engineering Fair, with two local students among just four statewide to qualify for the International Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles in May. They’ll be joining another ACPS student who qualified for the international fair in February. 

Buchholz High students Nathan Wei and Sophia Rong were both Grand Award Winners and took first place in their divisions. Wei won in the Senior (high school) Chemistry Division for his research into the development of a strong and recyclable plastic made from renewable resources. He was also awarded two special prizes in his division.

Rong won the Senior Mathematics and Computational Science Division with a project related to HIV transmission. She also won a special award in her division. 

The two will join GHS sophomore Abhith Kasala, who earned a spot in the international competition earlier this year with his research into the impact of microplastics and other contaminants in water. His project also earned him a first-place state award and two special prizes in the Senior Earth and Environmental Science Division 

Lincoln Middle School student David Rong took first place in the junior (middle school) Mathematics and Computational Science Division and an additional prize with a project on edible and non-edible mushrooms. 

Altogether, the twenty ACPS middle and high school students competing at the state fair brought home 14 awards, ranging from Grand Prizes to an honorable mention. They also brought home ten special prizes, which are awarded by various STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math)-related organizations.

The full list of winners is as follows:

Place Awards
Grand Prize, Senior Chemistry: Nathan Wei, Buchholz High School

Grand Prize, Senior Mathematics and Computational Science: Sophia Rong, Buchholz High School

1st Place, Junior Mathematics & Computational Science: David Rong, Lincoln Middle School

1st Place, Senior Earth & Environmental Science: Abhith Kasala, Gainesville High School

2nd Place, Senior Biomedical & Health Science: Shiven Sharma, Eastside High School

3rd Place, Junior Environmental Engineering: Maggie Gao, Lincoln Middle School

3rd Place, Junior Plant Sciences: Aradhya Kasala, Bishop Middle School

4th Place, Junior Physics and Astronomy: Charlize Moghaddam, Lincoln Middle School

4th Place, Junior Physics and Astronomy: Ivan Shorter, Ft. Clarke Middle School

4th Place, Senior Engineering: James Jiang, Buchholz High School

4th Place, Senior Mathematics & Computational Science: Luke Xue, Buchholz High School

Honorable Mention, Junior Engineering (group project): Pranav Mannam, Jaganesh Ramkrishnan, and Gavin Xie, Lincoln Middle School

Special Prizes

Nathan Wei, Buchholz High: Dr. Nelson Ying Scholars Grand Award and American Chemical Society Avogadro Award

Kaayana Sharma, Lincoln Middle: Manatee Regional STEM Competition

Abhith Kasala, Gainesville High: Sierra Club of Florida Cantwell Award and Stockhold Junior Water Prize

Gwen Wendling, Westwood Middle: Polk Regional Science and Engineering Fair

Maggie Gao, Lincoln Middle: Tomorrowland Science Award

David Rong, Lincoln Middle: Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovative Challenge

Sophia Rong, Buchholz High: Dr. Nelson Ying Scholars Grand Award

Hamza Khan, Gainesville High: Florida Museum of Natural History Award

  • Looks like DEI needs to even the ethnic outcomes . . . by hook or by crook . . . .

  • Good for these hard working young people! They have bright futures!

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