“Make the bad people go away!”



    Gainesville Sun makes Trumpian typo in headline. Claims city commission was “Blindsided”, should have read “Blindsighted”.

    More to follow.

  • Did Ward beat up Jake and eat his lunch in middle school? It’s a wide beautiful world out there, but Jake must be blinded by Ward living in his head, because that’s all he can see.

    • Currently Mayor Ward’s agendas totally exposed for the bizarre non management quality he excells in. What an utter embarrassment at the State meeting . He just invited another well needed State Audit with his answers to basic questions. His staff and City Manager were typicality lacking of any information and intelligence.

    • Seems a bunch of liberals have that same issue with DeSantis and Trump. If there were as many affordable houses as there are those letting those two live in their heads, there wouldn’t be a homeless crisis.

    • Though I understand where you’re coming from and even agree with you most of the time, I can’t fault Jake here.

      Ward and the other commissioners continually make themselves legitimate targets.

      • It doesn’t seem to be a ‘policy’ so much as Ward being a local guy whose main qualification for his job is having been a reliable foot soldier for local Democratic party during its political campaigns.

  • 👏🥳🤣👏🥳🤣
    Awesome Jake! Love how you “illustrate” the feelings Harvey doesn’t have the “capacity” to express.

  • Despite the commissioners antics, after the inevitable budget cuts are made, they will play the blame game saying the conservatives stirred up the increased oversight making their liberal utopia dreams unattainable like the rest of us who have to pay our bills.

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