Man arrested at GRACE Marketplace for pointing an air rifle at other residents, then kicking and spitting on officers


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Shaun Phillip Bond, 56, was booked into the jail early this morning and charged with two counts of aggravated assault, resisting arrest, and battery on a law enforcement officer after allegedly pointing an air rifle at multiple people at GRACE Marketplace and threatening to shoot them.

Several Gainesville Police Department officers responded to GRACE Marketplace at about 7:30 p.m. on January 25 following a call about an armed disturbance. Witnesses told officers that Bond had been walking around the campsite area, pointing an air rifle pellet gun at people and threatening to shoot them. Officers reportedly found Bond sitting outside the entrance to the campsite with a severe laceration to his foot. GRACE staff had secured the rifle in the front office before officers arrived; the rifle was determined to be a Ruger Air Rifle Pellet Gun, which resembles a Ruger 10/22 rifle.

One victim reportedly told officers she was asleep when Bond entered her tent and pointed the rifle at her while threatening to shoot. She said Bond then pointed the rifle at her friend and fired a shot in his direction.

Another victim said he was sitting with a friend when Bond approached him and pointed the rifle at him, saying, “I’ll shoot you.” He said he was in fear for his life because the rifle looked like a real firearm.

A witness reportedly told officers that he saw Bond pointing the rifle at the victims and tackled him to the ground, then grabbed the rifle and threw it out of reach.

Post Miranda, Bond reportedly refused to acknowledge that he understood his Miranda rights and kept saying things like, “Kill me now” and “Suicide by cop.”

EMS arrived, and Bond reportedly refused medical treatment for his foot. He was handcuffed, and officers reported that he resisted being transported to a patrol car by tightening his muscles and falling to the ground. He was finally placed facedown on the back seat of the patrol car because he reportedly refused to sit upright. He then reportedly made several attempts to slide face-first out of the patrol car in an attempt to injure himself. Once inside the patrol car, he allegedly kicked the windows, yelled, and threatened officers.

When officers opened the car door to address that behavior, Bond allegedly began kicking officers and grabbing their hands. As a result, his legs were restrained. He was finally restrained by his arms and legs to an EMS gurney, and while being placed in an ambulance, he allegedly spit twice on an officer. The report notes, “It was clear [Bond] was under the influence of an unknown substance.”

Bond has four felony convictions; Judge Susan MIller-Jones set bail at $151,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Build a wall around that place and let them all fight to the death. Channeling, “Escape From New York”!

    • Why are they coddling the parasites instead of protecting the students and taxpayers? We are near the breaking point…the point of no return…the straw that broke the camels back. Zero tolerance now. Round em up, Lock em up, ship em out…keep them moving.
      No panhandling in street medians!
      3 days temporary help at Grace and if you don’t have a job then you gotta leave town . Sheriff needs to double size of jail to accommodate the felons. No release of felons from jails from other counties to Alachua county!

      • Put everyone at Grace on a one way bus to DC to show the world what a failure Bidens economic policy is and we will fix our crime, vagrancy, & panhandler problem here. instantly.

      • That man is a VET that fought for this country! have some empathy! stop judging because everyone has a freaking story! Dayum some of you humans are disgusting!

    • It keeps them from protecting the real residents of Gainesville. They need a “paddy wagon”… throw them in the back and slam the door closed. The police probably should keep one parked and waiting at GRACE at all times.

  • I’ll help with this one…the name’s Bond, Shaun Bond. His IQ is 007. They should send this Bond to China and get the other spy back. I’m pretty sure the Chinese have some effective behavior modification techniques.

  • GRACE is distracting our GPD and EMS taxpayer funded essential workers! Shut down that lawyer and mental addict feeding dump, right now!
    Worthy citizens in need and taxpayers are being delayed in help as long as GRACE exists. And sell the courthouse if they don’t want to enforce the law, either. Just use juries working from home.

    • … and we could save even more with a jury of 1 phoned in from home. Maybe you could get a full time job as a professional jury of 1. “Book’em Jeffo, murder one.”

    • That’s a lie about GRACE where do you people get that information from? Question are you out in the community helping out? have you visited GRACE and actually see what they do?

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