Man arrested for aggravated assault on officers just two days after release from prison
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Steven Michael Fuller, 25, was arrested early this morning and charged with two counts of aggravated assault on an officer, resisting an officer with violence, and two counts of property damage over $200 after allegedly threatening officers with a brick and a machete.
A 911 call was received at about 4:43 a.m. this morning from an anonymous male caller who said someone threw a brick through a window at Popeye’s at 1412 N. Main Street. The Caller ID was recognized as also being associated with previous incidents, and the responding officer noted that he believed Fuller may have placed the calls in an attempt to commit “suicide by cop.”
The first officer to arrive reported finding a man, later identified as Fuller, standing by a broken window next to a small pile of bricks; he was holding a brick in one hand. The officer then saw that he had a machete in the other hand. The officer reported that Fuller began walking toward him, so he gave commands to drop the machete and stop walking, but Fuller did not react and kept walking toward the officer; the officer walked backward around the store with Fuller following, and he said Fuller was staring blankly at him and would not respond to anything he said. Fuller’s behavior reinforced the officer’s suspicions that he was trying to commit suicide by cop. When Fuller heard police sirens, he picked up a mesh bag and started walking toward N. Main Street.
A second officer arrived, and Fuller allegedly threw a brick at the officer as he got out of his patrol car. The officer reported that the brick struck his gun and passed within a foot of his head. The officer drew his gun in the belief that Fuller would attack with the machete if he got close enough. Fuller allegedly walked around the patrol car, then stopped and raised the machete in a threatening manner.
Fuller allegedly continued refusing to comply with commands until a third officer deployed a 40mm Less Lethal round, which hit Fuller’s bag; at that point, Fuller surrendered.
A search of Fuller reportedly produced a machete, a linoleum knife, and a hammer.
The damage to the patrol car was estimated at about $400; the damage to the restaurant’s window was estimated at $750.
Fuller has six violent felony convictions and was released from state prison on October 16 after serving three years for aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer. Fuller is homeless and has been in Alachua County since his release from prison, but his listed address is in Pennsylvania. Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $1,650,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
I mentioned this earlier… there’s only one thing that’s going to fix this stuff from happening.
Seen the protests lately? Best get yourself a firearm, the day’s coming you’re going to need it.
True, but damn be careful, might end up in jail for defending your life with that gun, sad as that is
Additionally one should be concerned about the family & racebaiter lawyer Crump coming after you for a big payday in civil court and…a judgement can be awarded even without a unanimous jury decision.
Not those protestors.
I can’t stand Crump, he’s just out for a paycheck. He’s now took on the family of the guy shot by cop while he was holding cop by the throat, after he was tased and hit with a baton. He wouldn’t quit attacking the deputy. Now Crump wants justice, because deputy being strangled shot guyin stomach and he died. It’s all captured on video.😯What’s wrong with these people? Justice my a**😪
That fixes nothing, how about trying to provide support and mental health resources upon release from prison for a man like last that is obviously suffering from mental issues…. You talk about washing for help?? That’s all he’s doing, if he is that violent and really wanted to die I’m sure he could achieve it and not have to attempt suicide by cop. And I wonder where his repeated aggression to police comes from??? I’m sure there’s some past trauma and the state had him six times for punishment the last time for three years, that plenty of time to try to reach inside someone and get them to open up to dealing with that in a productive manner. I’m just saying ☹️
*asking not washing
Or make sure upon release they aren’t out right back in the streets homeless and hopeless and desperate and commiting crimes immediately just to survive and eat and stay warm or whatever
Talk Harvey or Lauren into housing him or employing him next time he gets out. I’m tired of the condoning and excuses for these behaviors.
When I was unemployed and barely making it I didn’t go around breaking windows and throwing bricks at cops.
I promise you be an armed does change things that one you will never have to worry about it again
You see, in the late 70s the progressive liberals fought to get psychiatric hospitals shut down because they considered it cruel to keep crazy people in a place that could care for them. I am not saying that there weren’t abuses that took place in those hospitals but they destroyed the entire system because of a few bad apples. So now we have no places for these people to go but the street because a bunch of idiots thought that crazy people should be able to just walk around and cause problems.
Great bail! WG would have been $5k at most….
Bravo for the officers that responded to this event and controlled themselves as they should. These are the kind of officers we need on the street. Thank you for an appropriate resolution. Stay safe out there.
Controlled themselves? You mean let someone run away from someone with a machete? We don’t pay cops to run away.
It’s called the “reactionary gap”. It’s a very smart and safe move to de-escalate when appropriate. It doesn’t always work of course and then you have every right to protect yourself and others.
We don’t pay them to kill either when they can subdue a offender, as demonstrated clearly tonight
Hey wasn’t running away, he was backing up so he wouldn’t have to shoot him and probably waiting for backup. They even used less than deadly when hit with a brick.
Should have shot the bastard he wanted suicide by cop
Why would any cop in Gainesville even think about that when the City commision and the mayor will never have their back. I am surprised we have as many police officers as we do considering how horribly they are treated by the people in power.
So why do we release such repeat offenders anyway? Just keep them locked up, apparently that’s what they want, too. Not just the law abiding citizens want.
Only greedy lawyers and judges who wanted fancy new courthouses, want repeat offenders on the loose. Fact.
It’s annoying when someone declares “fact” when it’s clearly an opinion.
Yay, Jaws knows how to set an appropriate bail! Maybe he can teach Walt…🤔
If he had SIX felony convictions and was released after only 3 years, why would anyone expect he would change? He should have been sentenced as a habitual offender and spend years and years in prison. We don’t need these kind of dangerous people out in society.