Man arrested for allegedly flooding girlfriend’s apartment


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Andrew Lee Cook, Jr., 23, was arrested and charged with property damage and resisting arrest after allegedly flooding his girlfriend’s apartment and damaging her possessions.

At about 8:00 p.m. last night, a Gainesville Police Department officer responded to the victim’s apartment and found the entire apartment flooded. The victim told the officer that she and Cook had been arguing all day, and the officer noted that her clothing was all over the apartment in puddles of water and that her computer had been damaged by water. The officer also reported that some items of clothing had been soaked in some other substance that he could not identify. The victim said the clothing and computer were worth at least $2,000.

When officers tried to detain Cook, he reportedly ran but was apprehended after a brief chase.

Cook has two felony convictions (one violent); Judge Walter Green set bail at $5,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • “Girlfriend” seems to be a common code word for convenient home sharing partner. Until reality sets in and you realize a felon lives with you.

  • Anybody who hangs out with criminals (especially girlfriends) is bound to reap the consequences. Unless of course she’s a criminal too. Then its a match made in heaven (hell?).

  • No, no…she said she wanted to go on vacation, and he was just trying to to surprise her with the “Cook Islands “

  • Judge Green strikes again, 5000 dollar bond. Wonder if the bond would have been this low if the criminal had been another color?

    • There is no fear of law enforcement and/or the judicial system by these career criminals. Ed have taught them hat crime and mayhem will not be punished! Shame what our society is devolving into!

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