Man arrested for chasing down and attacking friend who gave him a place to stay
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Michael L. Harrison, 49, was arrested last night after allegedly chasing another man for two blocks, then hitting him with a wooden stick.
A Gainesville Police Department officer responded to the 4100 block of SW 17th Place and reported that the victim had allowed Harrison to stay at his home but later decided he wanted him to leave. The victim reported that he changed the locks and began removing Harrison’s possessions from the residence. While he was doing that, Harrison reportedly arrived in a vehicle with his son. Harrison reportedly chased the victim, who was on foot, in his vehicle and then told his son to get out and chase down the victim. After the son caught up with the victim, the victim fell down, and Harrison allegedly hit him in the lower back with a wooden stick. The victim also reported that Harrison hit him in the head with a bottle.
Harrison’s son reportedly told the officer that his father told him to run after the victim, and he thought the victim was stealing his father’s possessions.
Post Miranda, Harrison reportedly said he saw the victim coming out of the residence with his possessions and that he chased him in his vehicle and told his son to chase the victim on foot. He said that his son released the victim as soon as he caught him, and he denied hitting the victim with a stick.
Harrison has 18 felony convictions and has served four state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2018. He has been charged with three felonies and five misdemeanors in three separate cases in 2021, but all the charges have been dropped. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $1,000 on the misdemeanor battery charge.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
18 felony convictions and only $1000 bail? WTF is going on here, why are lawyers keeping these ex-cons in a college town? Tell them go away, they have no chance here.
This guy should not be on the streets anymore. He clearly doesn’t care because there are no consequences for his crimes. Unreal…
Unbelievable low bail. I say we move him into her neighborhood.
Damn! If more parents could get their children to follow their instructions just think the things that may be possible.
He hit him with a stick? What’s he been watching on T.V.?
Seriously, this guy’s been in & out of jail/prison & he’s doing things like this to his friend? And he’s teaching his son to chase down people? On top of that, he’s propagating.
What do you think he would do to you or your family if he decided to?
Anybody need a roommate?
This guy is gonna be looking for a place to stay.
It just didn’t work out with his last roommate, for some reason.
Great guy, though…
VERY low bond!!
“No good deed shall go unpunished”.
What are friends for….after all?
3 felonies and five misdemeanors in 2021 alone, all charges dropped. WTF?