Man arrested for robbery at The Crossings of Santa Fe

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jason La Duan Moore, 43, was arrested yesterday afternoon and charged with robbery after allegedly pushing a resident of The Crossings at Santa Fe to the ground and then stealing his iPhone.
At about noon on Thursday, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to a report of a robbery at The Crossings at Santa Fe apartment complex. The victim told the deputy that a man had come up behind him as he was walking in the complex and started a verbal altercation. When the victim tried to walk away from the man toward the office, the man allegedly grabbed him by the head with both hands and threw him to the ground, grabbing his glasses from his face as he fell. When the victim was on the ground, the man allegedly said he would beat him up if he didn’t give him his iPhone. The victim gave the man his iPhone; the man reportedly gave the victim’s glasses back to him and said he could leave if he “didn’t snitch.” The man then reportedly walked away with the iPhone.
Moore was eventually found in his apartment at the complex and was arrested. Post Miranda, Moore reportedly said he’d had an altercation with the victim outside the victim’s apartment and that the victim had pushed him. He denied confronting the victim or stealing his phone. When the deputy asked Moore about the victim’s phone, Moore reportedly said he didn’t know where the iPhone was. The deputy asked how he knew the victim had an iPhone, and Moore reportedly said he’d heard on the radio that deputies had found a water-damaged iPhone in a tub in his apartment. However, deputies had not yet entered Moore’s apartment and did not know what might be in his tub.
Moore has been charged with robbery without a firearm or weapon. He has no local criminal history; bail information is unavailable on holidays. Moore’s booking photo has not been posted.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
WTF is wrong with Collier Properties, are they taking section 8 vouchers and parolees instead of SFC students? Do other residents know that? Crossings is one of the few apt. complexes with a gated access AND a human security guard. Yes they must sign leases directly thru Starke prisons and the GRACE magnet camp, too? What gives?
I never meant you any disrespect by calling you out. I was just trying to show that there are two points to every issue. Have a merry Xmas.
JeffK; my mother is a good Christian woman with no criminal record. She is a senior who depends on section 8 housing for her survival. An opposition to section 8 housing hurts honest law abiding seniors who depend on this program. I am in a financial position where I will soon moving back to my home state of Alabama to live with my son and daughter in law
I can’t help my mom right now.
Brian H., You can help your mom by getting her a gun.
Tallywacker is such a coward.
Genius!! 😄😄😄
Good ole Tallywacker
He’s got that keyboard courage. He’s too weak to say that to my face about my mother. A lot of coward comment on this site